
Renal atrophy caused by high blood pressure?

High blood pressure can lead to kidney disease, renal atrophy caused by high blood pressure? This is that many patients are wondering, in fact, the only cure for patients with the disease is the most important, thenbe sure to ascertain the cause before treatment so in the end of renal atrophy caused by high blood pressure? nephropathy hospital experts introduced us take a look at it.
The experts tell us that long-term hypertension can cause systemic vascular damage,renal artery is no exception. When the glomerular afferent artery structure and functiondisorders, it can not by its own regulation to prevent the ball pressure, ball pressure andhigh filtration state. Glomerular hypertension, hyperfiltration state will further damage tocapillary endothelial cells, causing inflammatory cell infiltration, the inflammatoryresponse, renal fibrosis start. Inflammatory reactions increase will eventually lead toglomerular sclerosis, tubulointerstitial fibrosis, renal insufficiency and uremia.
Renal atrophy caused by high blood pressure? The kidney itself is a large blood, used to filter toxins from the body, while preventing the leakage of blood vessels of protein, blood cells and other materials. High blood pressure makes the increased intravascular bloodpressure can make the protein leakage, protein leakage would be the kidney's filtersystem to cause damage to a vicious cycle. Renal atrophy caused by high blood pressure? Difficult to reverse time long-term damage caused by renal compensatoryincrease until failure in advance. This is the hypertensive nephropathy Why hematuria is not terrible, horrible thing is to have proteinuria.

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