
Chronic renal failure can not eat pumpkin and sweet potato?

Pumpkin with detoxification: Pumpkin contains vitamins and pectin, pectin adsorption bond and the elimination of bacterial toxins in the body and other harmful substances, such as lead, mercury, heavy metals and radioactive elements can play a detoxification ; protect the gastric mucosa, help digestion: pumpkin contains pectin can protect the stomach plastic mucosa from rough food to stimulate, promote ulcer healing, suitable for patients with stomach. The pumpkin contains ingredients can promote the secretion of bile, to strengthen the stomach and intestines to help digestion of food; prevention and treatment of diabetes, lower blood sugar: Pumpkin is rich in cobalt, cobalt can be active in the body's metabolism, promote hematopoietic function, and to participate in the body of vitamin B12 synthesis, is an essential trace element of human islet cells have a special effect on diabetes control, lower blood sugar;
Potato in the diet, the most anti-cancer nutrients beta-carotene (vitamin A precursor), vitamin C and folic acid in the sweet potato in the three content rich. A small sweet potatoes (about 2 double) 2 times the amount of human daily requirement of vitamin A, one-third of the amount of daily vitamin C and about 50 micrograms of folic acid; one of the dietary fiber content is higher than a bowl of oatmeal.
Chronic renal failure can not eat pumpkin and sweet potato? So for chronic renal failure patients can not eat pumpkin and sweet potato? Patients with chronic renal failure without dialysis, should be given a low protein diet, in order to reduce the metabolites (urea nitrogen) sources, to reduce the burden on the kidneys, the speed slow down the deterioration of renal function. Protein intake should be reasonable adjustments according to the degree of renal impairment.
When the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is reduced to less than 50ml / should be the appropriate protein restriction (0.6g/kg), to meet the basic needs of the body's physiological, and if not malnutrition. GFR, <10ml / min, that is, uremia, protein should be strictly limited to 20g / d, GFR, greater than 20ml / points, plus 5g / d. And requested more than 60 percent of high-quality protein, animal protein such as eggs, milk, lean meat, and so on. In order to prevent the low-protein malnutrition, can reduce blood urea nitrogen levels, and improve the symptoms of uremia.
Chronic renal failure can not eat pumpkin and sweet potato? Patients with chronic renal failure, such as associated with edema and hypertension, should be low-salt (less than 3g / d) diet, edema, heavier oliguria should be limited to the water intake and high potassium foods (longan, white fungus, sesame) .
Chronic renal failure patients often have high phosphorus, hypocalcemia, easily lead to renal osteodystrophy, should be taken to limit phosphorus diet.
Dialysis patients with CRF, you do not need to strictly limit the diet, but it should be formulated in accordance with the height, weight, dialysis modality, dialysis frequency and urine output suitable for their own diet program.
Chronic renal failure can not eat pumpkin and sweet potato? High-calorie intake: adequate intake of carbohydrates, fats supply the body with enough calories to prevent the protein to provide heat and decomposition, reducing the consumption of protein.Adequate intake of calories, eat more margarine, vegetable oil and sugar.

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