
How to do right kidney atrophy ?

The reason now to think of the right renal atrophy is congenital renal hypoplasia, renal failure, renal failure or acute illness. Such as: acute glomerular diseases, diabetic kidney stiffening of kidney transplant rejection, chronic glomerulonephritis, renal cortical necrosis, Alport syndrome, acute tubular necrosis, hypertensive nephrosclerosis.
Both kidneys, or the side of the kidney to reduce the cause of chronic pyelonephritis, a common cause of renal atrophy.
Reduce ordinary for chronic kidney disease kidneys commence to renal function insufficiency, especially renal failure, renal failure, serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, serious kidney damage and renal parenchyma was hurt, the kidney will be reduced. Therefore, prompt renal atrophy patients to this aroused great deal of attention, kidney disease, hiding a strong, assuming glomerular filtration rate less than 50% of clinical illness, serious kidney damage was consequential. Must be positive after diagnosis of renal atrophy and find the reason in order to troubleshoot the disease.
In addition, renal atrophy reason there are two things: renal tuberculosis (unilateral renal reduced with contralateral hydronephrosis or compensatory increase), renal artery stenosis, and congenital hypoplasia. Renal atrophy and long kidney disease is closely related to kidney diseases incurred by the renal unit, particularly glomerular damage, so that the entire kidney showing size reduction. Renal atrophy and renal changes are complementary, when the patients presented with renal atrophy, or will inevitably presents renal function with incomplete until renal failure - renal failure. The hope that renal atrophy in patients with the disease sparked focus on early and timely to be a systemic checks to wipe out the possibility of failure of renal function, so as not to delay the disease.
The right kidney atrophy how to do? The most important is the treatment of renal atrophy: treatment of renal atrophy from repair kidneys damaged tissue and restore kidney function to prevent the progress of renal fibrosis, blocking the kidney continued to shrink. Treatment principle is: to promote into the muscle fiber cell apoptosis and phagocytosis of immune complexes; reduce the synthesis of the ECM degradation, kidneys damaged tissue may also be part of the repair, renal recovery, muscle into fiber cells and apoptosis of immune complexes, blocking its continued synthesis and secretion of growth of the ECM to increase the generation of degrading enzymes in the kidney, to enhance its activity on the degradation of ECM, reducing ECM damage to the kidney tissue, gradually reversing the damaged kidney function.

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