
Renal failure patients can eat hemp yam?

Ma yam can Spleen, stomach health, topromote digestion and absorption. In addition, it also has the role of dewetting goerosion, edema patients, women after childbirth, diarrhea in children also have a therapeutic effect. Can also lose weight. Applies to physical weakness, listlessness, loss of appetite, indigestion, chronic diarrhea consumptive cough, nocturnal emission, night sweats, diabetes and nocturia increased. The yam is nutritious, containing protein, arginine, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, mucus quality, starch and other variety of substances, including amylase break down starch, so the complement rather than stagnation.
Renal failure patients can eat hemp yam? Renal failure diet needs to pay attention to?
A renal failure diet therapy must be reasonable and nutrition in the treatment process, but also to avoid contact with all kinds of food allergies to avoid the diet of fish, shrimp, crab,pollen, milk, and may induce renal failure.
2, the dietary treatment of renal failure, also pay attention to some of the taboos of food, such as salty category, spicy class, dirty, stained grilled food can not eat. For renal insufficiency or the occurrence of uremia, beans, and its finished products can not eat, limiting animal albumen foods, greasy foods.
3, proper diet, not a partial eclipse, not picky eaters, to ensure the proper balance of nutrients. Whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruit, cattle, sheep, pigs, lean meat, etc.edible.
4 If there is no severe edema, heart failure, hypertension, kidney disease should not beblind to water restrictions. Because kidney function decreased concentration metabolitesin the body needs more water can be excreted from the kidneys, if the time limit theintake of water, the metabolites did not break out, it will cause congestion, more seriousconsequences.
5, control of salt, adjusted according to the patient's condition and the level of renal function, not the renal failure patients should strictly limit salt.
6, in order to avoid further aggravate the condition of renal failure, patients can exerciseand enhance their physical, improve the immunity of individuals of various types of infection, to prevent an aggravation of the disease.

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