
Natural Treatment for Kidney Atrophy: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

The treatment of renal atrophy, in the past for the treatment of renal atrophy in the field ofnephropathy has held pessimism that renal atrophy treatment is no good way only slowlyto delay until the kidney function, complete loss of a kidney transplant to maintain life.
With the development of science and technology, the treatment of renal atrophy began a turning point, studies have shown that renal atrophy and renal fibrosis in the main contactto address the treatment of renal atrophy, need to explore the underlying causes of therenal atrophy . Kidney invasion by the outside world, the incidence of inflammatory response, cell phenotypic lead to renal fibrosis occur gradually with the progress to renal parenchymal damage to the kidney shrinks. Renal atrophy therapy treatment shouldfocus on how to prevent renal fibrosis is widely accepted as the theory of renal fibrosis,blocking renal fibrosis in the treatment of renal atrophy was also supported by more experts and respected . So how do you block kidney fibrosis, in order to achieve the purpose of treatment?
The penetration of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine therapy is a bettertreatment of renal atrophy: repair kidneys damaged tissue and restore renal function to prevent the progress of renal fibrosis, blocking the kidney continued to shrink. Treatmentprinciple is: to promote into the muscle fiber cell apoptosis and phagocytosis of immune complexes; reduce the synthesis of the ECM degradation, kidneys damaged tissue may also be part of the repair, renal recovery, muscle into fiber cells and apoptosis of immune complexes, blocking its continued synthesis and secretion of growth of the ECM to increase the generation of degrading enzymes in the kidney, to enhance its activity onthe degradation of ECM, reducing ECM damage to the kidney tissue, gradually reversingthe damaged kidney function

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