
How to prevent kidney disease in summer?

As we all know, kidney disease is a complex disease with a lot of inducing factors. On the other hand, summer is a high-risk season for kidney disease, So it seems very important on how to prevent the kidney disease in summer.
Cold Induces acute nephritis
In summer, the weather is very hot, so people's immunity could decline accordingly. So people are easy to get upper respiratory infection, while the upper respiratory infection is just an important factor for acute nephritis. When acute nephritis occurs, the disease may progress to acute renal failure, even the life could be endangered.
SLE Induces Lupus Nephritis
The sunshine in summer is very intense, so the SLE is easily to attack at this time. Furthermore, due to the lupus nephritis often attacks young women, so for them as well as the patients who are with a history of lupus nephritis, they should avoid sunburn or try not to walk out in summer.
Urinary Tract Induces Nephritis
Due to women's special physiological structures, they have a higher chance of getting urinary tract infection, so people should avoid swimming in the stagnant and unclean pool.

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