
What is the Life Expectancy for Stage 5 Kidney(Renal) Failure

The life expectancy can range from months to several or many years, depending on the patients' specific illness condition.
The life expectancy is the best among young patients with no heart disease or other severe complications. If complications of dialysis such as hypotension, arhythmia and hypoxemia can be well handled, then the life expectancy can be possibly prolonged.
But for those with combined heart diseases and other severe vascular diseases, complications of dialysis and end-stage renal disease such as renal anemia, metabolic disorder and high blood potassium can shorten the life expectancy. In such cases, even a kidney transplant is not recommended because cardiovascular diseases can be aggravated when heavy dosage of immunosuppressive agents are adopted or infections occur in the transplantation.
Also, according to a recent medical report, life expectancy is better in those with more remaining kidney function than others, even if dialysis(whether peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis) is adopted.
In moat cases, when patients just begin dialysis, there is still some remaining kidney units. But by relying on dialysis and leaving the remaining kidney units alone, the kidneys will gradually get failed and atrophied. With this course(long or short), patients will have to undergo dialysis more and more frequently and will have higher chances of suffering from infections, cardiovascular diseases and malnutrition, which can be life-threatening.

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