
Are There Advanced Medicines for Chronic Kidney Failure

There are mainly two kinds of orally used medicines: Chinese Medicine and Western medicine. For patients with Chronic Kidney Failure, they always take hormone (prednisone), immunosuppressive agent or cytotoxic agents (cyclophosphamide) to eliminate the symptoms, such as proteinuria and edema. However, patients choose Chinese Medicine gradually, such as cordyceps to repair their damaged kidneys due to the side effects resulted from taking hormone in a long time.
Externally Used Medicines:
Considering orally used Chinese medicines taste a little bitter, the other type Chinese medicine-externally used medicines are developed, which is called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
After the effective medicines are permeated into kidney lesion, patients' kidneys will be repaired gradually through dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation and degrading extracellular matrix. And then ischmia and anoxia condition will be improved and normal kidney cells will not be further damaged. If so, the damaged kidney cells will be repaired gradually.
Once the damaged kidney cells are repaired, the kidney function will be improved accordingly.
However, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy only can repair the damaged kidney cells rather than the necrotic ones. In this condition, Stem Cell Transplant is adopted to differentiate new and healthy cells to replace the dead kidney cells. By this way, the kidney function is more likely to be greatly improved.

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