
A Recipe for a Patient with Kidney Failure

Anushka Maraj, a patient with Kidney Failure, asked me which food she should have. So I advised a recipe for her according her medical conditions as following:
Creatinine clearance was 17.26ml/mins.
24 hour urinary protein was 342 mg/24h
The machine value was 21.6
No blood in my urine
No swelling
No shortness of breathe
Her creatinine is greatly lower than the normal level 80 to 120 ml/mins, which means she are about to be at the stage of the End Stage Kidney Failure. At this stage, the food plays an important role in retarding Kidney Failure deteriorating.
Protein As her 24 hour urinary protein is 342 mg/24h, a lot of protein is losing from her body. It is important to keep the balance between protein replenishing and reducing kidney workload. So her protein intake is controlled in 30g/d, which can be available from animal protein food such as red meat, peeled poultry, fish, milk and eggs. However, they must depend on the principle that each food should be had in a small amount.
If you want know more about us,please click here.A Recipe for a Patient with Kidney Failure

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