Chronic Kidney Failure is also called chronic renal failure, which means the declining of kidney function. Stage-3 chronic kidney disease is the early-stage Kidney Failure and patients at this stage begin to show symptoms. Chronic kidney disease can be diagnosed by the observation of a combination of symptoms, physical examination and elevated blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and Creatinine (Cr) levels.
Tests for people to diagnose Chronic Kidney Failure (CKF):
Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Failure should do urine test. People with Kidney Failure all can find abnormal changes of urine such as foamy urine, light color, dark color or red color, increase or decrease of urine volume and frequency urinate at night. If there is anyone of the symptoms, they should send a urine sample to doctors and they can test it for kidney disease. The presence of blood in urine indicates the damage of blood vessels. The presence of protein called albumin in urine may indicate Chronic Kidney Failure.
Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Failure should do blood test. Blood test is a test for Creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels. Creatinine is produced by muscle metabolism. If there are high Creatinine and BUN, it means the damage of kidneys and the declining of kidney function.
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