At present, there is no curative treatment towards Kidney Failure, which can explain why its complications are persistent. As the medicines and methods can only ease the clinic symptoms, Kidney Failure is not removed in nature and its complications will not be cured either. In order to cure Heart Failure, Kidney Failure should be treated first.
Traditional treatments
Kidney Failure may cause Heart Failure from four aspects, heart overload, Atherosclerosis, toxicosis and electrolyte disturbance and weak immunity. In traditional treatments, doctors merely take according medicines or operations towards those four aspects and their clinic symptoms. For instance, if patient have Atherosclerosis, the doctors will give them medicines to lower blood lipid and prevent coagulation or blood clots. If patients show the symptoms of acidosis, dialysis must be adopted regularly. Those symptoms are indeed eased, but other complications will be provoked by those medicines or treatments. In dialysis, arteriovenous fistula diverts blood flew in artery and vein, which makes the heart overload and worsens Heart Failure.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy combined with traditional treatments
As traditional treatments own irreplaceable functions in dealing with emergency and easing clinic symptoms quickly, they can not be abandoned in treating Heart Failure and Kidney Failure. Kidney Failure essentially results from the damaged intrinsic cells. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is able to protect the survival kidney structure and repair the damaged cells. Micro- Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy inherits the advantages of Chinese traditional medicines and creates its own characters.
If you want know more about us,please click here.How to Deal with Heart Failure Caused by Kidney Failure