
Lower Serum Creatinine from the Root

High Serum Creatinine is caused by the declining of kidney function. Serum Creatinine should have been discharged out of body through urine. However, the declining of kidney function can lead to oliguria so that extra metabolic wastes such as Creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and potassium and so on will be accumulated in blood. In order to lower Serum Creatinine, we should use treatment method to recover kidney function and improve glomerular filtration rate so as to increasing the ability to discharge toxins such as Creatinine out of body.
People with high Serum Creatinine should take dialysis which can eliminate toxins in blood. However, people should know that dialysis is not a treatment method which means dialysis can only eliminate toxins and relieve uncomfortable feelings temporarily. I addition, western medicines used to lower Serum Creatinine also can only lower Serum Creatinine temporarily. People should use therapy which can lower Creatinine from the root and then high Creatinine will not relapse.
Combined use of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Transplant can lower Serum Creatinine from the root with following steps:
1. Blocking kidney fibrosis. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can degrade scar tissues and immune complex so as to discharge them out of body. These scar tissues and immune complex can secrete inflammatory cells, which will further damage kidney function so we should eliminate them so as to avoid the further damage of kidney tissues.
If you want know more about us,please click here.Lower Serum Creatinine from the Root

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