
Fight with Kidney Failure

When kidney problem progresses into the fourth stage or Kidney Failure, there is large portion of glomeruli that show evidence of sclerosis, segmental or global. At this stage, kidneys become incapable of excreting metabolic wastes or other toxic substances, and their retention within blood contributes to the occurrence of various complications.
Then, the question is what treatments should be adopted for patients with Kidney Failure?
Given that, kidney function decline stems from sclerosis of glomeruli, so the corresponding treatments will start from treating damages in glomeruli.
Glomeruli consist of massive blood capillaries, which is the main place where blood filtration takes place. When damages to epithelial cells of these capillaries, they will proliferate to protect themselves, however this excessive proliferation blocks fluent blood circulation within glomeruli and long term insufficient blood and oxygen supply to renal blood capillary cells will lead to apoptosis, with sclerosis being the final result. So the key in treating Kidney Failure is to promote the internal ischemia and anemia situation of kidneys. This is exactly what Micro-Chinese Medicine can do through dilating whole body blood vessels to increase blood inflow to kidneys; inactivate inflammatory response of kidney cells to eliminate cell proliferation; degrading these already existed proliferated cells to reduce blood circulation blocks; and finally, providing materials necessary for the self-repairing of damaged kidney cells. By this, a favorable internal environment for damaged cell self-repairing will be created, and there will be no further decline of kidney function.
However, for patients with Kidney Failure, the large portion of their glomeruli have already become globally sclerosed, and for these globally sclerosed glomeruli, there is little can be done to recover their function. And that is exactly why we introduced in immunotherapy in treating kidney disease. 
If you have some problem,please click here.Fight with Kidney Failure

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