
Clinical Treatment Effect of Active Substances in Micro-Chinese Medicine on Blocking Renal Fibrosis (Ⅰ)

Short-Term Clinical Treatment Effects of Vasodilatory Function of Active Substances in Micro-Chinese Medicine
1. Blocking treatment method:
Dilating blood vessels function of Micro-Chinese Medicine can increase effective blood perfusion for the damaged renal intrinsic cells, improve effective blood circulation of damaged renal intrinsic cells, relieve ischemia and hypoxia state and block the startup factors of renal fibrosis.
2. Clinical treatment effect:
If the above treatment method is properly carried out, it will generate the following treatment effect recently:
(1) Short term treatment effect in clinical, when glomerular filtration improves:
① Urine volume gradually increases;
② Ammonia smell in urine gradually becomes thick;
③ The color of urine will gradually turns dark;
④ Creatinine excreted with urine in 24 hours gradually increases.
(2) Short term manifestations in clinical, when the state of high blood pressure and high filtration has been improved:
① Proteinuria and blood urine decline little by little;
② Protein in 24 hours will gradually reduces;
③ Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) gradually improves;
(3) Recent treatment effect, when various functions of renal tubular promote:
① When resorption function of renal tubular improves, renal glycosuria will lessen or disappear. When taking qualitative or quantitative check, it is found that urine protein will gradually decline;
② When regulatory function of renal tubular improves, the state of electrolyte disturbance in blood will gradually improve as well as acid-base imbalance, symptom of acid-base poisoning completely disappear;
③ When concentration function of renal function improves, symptom of increased nocturia lightens, symptom of low urinary specific gravity in the morning improves and specific gravity restores to more than 1.025.
If you want know more about this,please click here.Clinical Treatment Effect of Active Substances in Micro-Chinese Medicine on Blocking Renal Fibrosis (Ⅰ)

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