In End-Stage Renal Failure, namely uremia, the damaged kidneys can not drain out wastes and secret the necessary substances, which make other organs poisoned and metabolic disturbance such as renal hypertension, renal anemia and renal osteodystrophy. At this time, the pathological changes are very serious. Most intrinsic cells are covered by extracellular matrix and the function fails.
The damage of kidneys forms though a long course called renal fibrosis, which is the root of Renal Failure. To treat End-Stage Renal Failure is to block the renal fibrosis and to repair the damaged intrinsic cells. Micro- Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in ShiJiazhuang Kidney Hospital can block renal fibrosis and provide necessary substances to reparation of intrinsic cells through five measures: filtrating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, preventing blood viscosity and degrading extracellular matrixes.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy increases the volume of blood in kidneys and provides nutrition to the left normal intrinsic cells of kidneys. In addition, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy filtrates the blood vessels of other organs and eases their toxicoses. Those therapeutic effects can be seen soon after Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is adopted. The patients will stop vomiting, look better and sweat a lot, all of which give great confidence to the patients.
The inflections will release proinflammatory factors which damage the kidneys. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can restrain the inflected cells and inactivate the proinflammatory factors, protecting the survival intrinsic cells as possible as it can.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy also has the ability to remove the micothrombus which comes from the damaged intrinsic cells and blood clotting mechanism. The microcirculation is improved through anticoagulation.
If you want know more about us,please click here.Micro- Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in Treating End-Stage Renal Failure
Chinese Traditional Medicine and Immumunotherapy to treat Renal Failure. We are going to introduce the three core methods to the whole world so as to help more and more people with Renal Failure. Hope them get rid of the disease and live a happy life.
Symptoms of Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Failure
For the stage standards are various in different district, I will introduce the damage according to international standard, and Chronic Kidney Disease is divided into five stages. This standard is divided according to glomerular filtration rate (GFR): the first stage is≤90ml/min; the second stage is 89ml/min~60ml/min;the third stage is 59ml/min~30ml/min;the fourth stage is 30ml/min~15ml/min;the fifth stage is≤15ml/min. Actually all five stages are the process of deteriorating into Chronic Kidney Failure. The stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease can be called Chronic Kidney Failure.
Chronic Kidney Failure is a long-term disease and caused by various pathogenesis. The pathological mechanism is: metabolic wastes can not be discharged out of body and then pile up in human body, which is just like toxicants piling up in human body. Long-time accumulation of metabolic wastes can lead to kidney fibrosis, and then kidney will lose its functions of filtrating blood and discharging metabolic wastes so the kidneys can not producing urine or have little urine. Kidney dysfunction makes the metabolic wastes such as urea nitrogen and Creatinine can not be discharged out of human body. These harmful substances can flow to each body part along with blood and then damage each body system.
Digestive Tract System
If they enter into digestive tract, gastrointestinal mucosa will be stimulated so that symptoms such as nausea, vomit and diarrhea occur. Oral mucosa will also have fester and there will be the smell of ammonia in patients' mouth.
Respiratory Tract System
If these wastes enter into respiratory tract, there may be uremic bronchitis, pleuritis and pneumonia. After the pericardium is stimulated by urea, it can cause uremic pericarditis.
If the wastes are discharged out of body from sweat gland, patients' skin will have uremic frost.
If you want know more about us.please click here.Symptoms of Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Failure
Chronic Kidney Failure is a long-term disease and caused by various pathogenesis. The pathological mechanism is: metabolic wastes can not be discharged out of body and then pile up in human body, which is just like toxicants piling up in human body. Long-time accumulation of metabolic wastes can lead to kidney fibrosis, and then kidney will lose its functions of filtrating blood and discharging metabolic wastes so the kidneys can not producing urine or have little urine. Kidney dysfunction makes the metabolic wastes such as urea nitrogen and Creatinine can not be discharged out of human body. These harmful substances can flow to each body part along with blood and then damage each body system.
Digestive Tract System
If they enter into digestive tract, gastrointestinal mucosa will be stimulated so that symptoms such as nausea, vomit and diarrhea occur. Oral mucosa will also have fester and there will be the smell of ammonia in patients' mouth.
Respiratory Tract System
If these wastes enter into respiratory tract, there may be uremic bronchitis, pleuritis and pneumonia. After the pericardium is stimulated by urea, it can cause uremic pericarditis.
If the wastes are discharged out of body from sweat gland, patients' skin will have uremic frost.
If you want know more about us.please click here.Symptoms of Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Failure
Dialysis can't Treat Chronic Kidney Failure
Some patients with Chronic Kidney Failure misunderstand that dialysis can treat kidney disease so they don't use any other treatment methods. I should tell you here that dialysis is only a replacement therapy and it can't treat kidney failure.
If the Serum Creatinine is higher than 445umol/L, patients with Chronic Kidney Failure should take dialysis. People at this stage will have oliguria, nausea, vomiting, headache, difficulty breathing and generally less desire to eat. The damage of kidney leads to the accumulation in blood and organs so patients need a method to eliminate waste.
Usually, after patients take dialysis they will feel comfortable for the whole body. While long-time dialysis will have disadvantages to body such as loss of hormones and nutrients that are specially produced in the kidneys, depression and what's more, renal failure patients usually have a weakened immune system but dialysis makes them more susceptible to infection than before.
Chronic Kidney Failure means the serious damage of kidney tissues which can lead to whole body system disorder so the best way is to find a proper method to treat the disease. If the damaged kidney tissues are repaired then the kidney function as well as the symptoms can be improved.
Dialysis, of course, is also necessary for patients whose Serum Creatinine is higher than 445umol/L because the accumulated toxins and wastes in blood and human body will influence the body seriously. Dialysis can replace kidney to discharge metabolic waste out of blood. If patients don't take dialysis, those wastes will accelerate the deterioration of Chronic Kidney Disease.
There is a scientific three-dimensional treatment system including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmothrapy, Stem Cell Transplant and Immunoadsorption Focus Blood Purification in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.
If you want know more about us,please click here.Dialysis can't Treat Chronic Kidney Failure
If the Serum Creatinine is higher than 445umol/L, patients with Chronic Kidney Failure should take dialysis. People at this stage will have oliguria, nausea, vomiting, headache, difficulty breathing and generally less desire to eat. The damage of kidney leads to the accumulation in blood and organs so patients need a method to eliminate waste.
Usually, after patients take dialysis they will feel comfortable for the whole body. While long-time dialysis will have disadvantages to body such as loss of hormones and nutrients that are specially produced in the kidneys, depression and what's more, renal failure patients usually have a weakened immune system but dialysis makes them more susceptible to infection than before.
Chronic Kidney Failure means the serious damage of kidney tissues which can lead to whole body system disorder so the best way is to find a proper method to treat the disease. If the damaged kidney tissues are repaired then the kidney function as well as the symptoms can be improved.
Dialysis, of course, is also necessary for patients whose Serum Creatinine is higher than 445umol/L because the accumulated toxins and wastes in blood and human body will influence the body seriously. Dialysis can replace kidney to discharge metabolic waste out of blood. If patients don't take dialysis, those wastes will accelerate the deterioration of Chronic Kidney Disease.
There is a scientific three-dimensional treatment system including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmothrapy, Stem Cell Transplant and Immunoadsorption Focus Blood Purification in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.
If you want know more about us,please click here.Dialysis can't Treat Chronic Kidney Failure
Chronic Renal Failure and Muscle Twitch
Patients with early-stage Chronic Renal Failure should get treatment timely so as to prevent the deterioration of disease. Long-time Chronic Renal Failure will lead to serious damage to human body. There are some symptoms such as hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia and electrolyte disorder, which can cause muscle pain.
1. Hypocalcaemia
The Cause of Hypocalcaemia:
Patients with Chronic Renal Failure usually have inappetence, vomit, nausea and diarrhea, which can lead to insufficiency of calcium. At the same time, the damage of digestive tract will influence the absorption of calcium. Most calcium is discharged out of human body through urine. This is the main reason for patients with Chronic Renal Failure to cause Hypocalcaemia.
The damage to muscles from Hypocalcaemia:
The most obvious symptom coming from Hypocalcaemia is excessive excitability of nerves and muscles. Calcium Ion has the ability to restrain internal flow of Sodion. When people with Hypocalcaemia, the inhibitory ability decreased, this can lead to decreased threshold of action potential. The repeating stimulations can lead to exciting nerves and muscles such as muscle pain or muscle twitch. Slight Hypocalcaemia usually manifest with finger and toes pain, arms and legs numb or twitch, stabbing pain; when calcium loses more, there will occur tetany; more serious condition can have whole body skeleton spasm and smooth muscle spasm, and respiratory tract can have bronchospasm or even apnea; vasospasm can show headache, angina and Reynolds.
2. Hyperphosphatemia
The cause of Hyperphosphatemia:
When the kidneys are damaged, the glomerular filtration rate will decrease so that the redundant wastes such as phosphorus, serum creatinine and BUN can not be discharged out of human body. As for phosphorus, long-time accumulation in blood can lead to Hyperphosphatemia. Balanced calcium and phosphorus can promote the use of inorganic salt. Silicate can keep the metabolism of Vitamin D and then maintain homeostasis of calcium. High phosphorus can influence the absorption of calcium.
If you want know more about us.please click here.Chronic Renal Failure and Muscle Twitch
1. Hypocalcaemia
The Cause of Hypocalcaemia:
Patients with Chronic Renal Failure usually have inappetence, vomit, nausea and diarrhea, which can lead to insufficiency of calcium. At the same time, the damage of digestive tract will influence the absorption of calcium. Most calcium is discharged out of human body through urine. This is the main reason for patients with Chronic Renal Failure to cause Hypocalcaemia.
The damage to muscles from Hypocalcaemia:
The most obvious symptom coming from Hypocalcaemia is excessive excitability of nerves and muscles. Calcium Ion has the ability to restrain internal flow of Sodion. When people with Hypocalcaemia, the inhibitory ability decreased, this can lead to decreased threshold of action potential. The repeating stimulations can lead to exciting nerves and muscles such as muscle pain or muscle twitch. Slight Hypocalcaemia usually manifest with finger and toes pain, arms and legs numb or twitch, stabbing pain; when calcium loses more, there will occur tetany; more serious condition can have whole body skeleton spasm and smooth muscle spasm, and respiratory tract can have bronchospasm or even apnea; vasospasm can show headache, angina and Reynolds.
2. Hyperphosphatemia
The cause of Hyperphosphatemia:
When the kidneys are damaged, the glomerular filtration rate will decrease so that the redundant wastes such as phosphorus, serum creatinine and BUN can not be discharged out of human body. As for phosphorus, long-time accumulation in blood can lead to Hyperphosphatemia. Balanced calcium and phosphorus can promote the use of inorganic salt. Silicate can keep the metabolism of Vitamin D and then maintain homeostasis of calcium. High phosphorus can influence the absorption of calcium.
If you want know more about us.please click here.Chronic Renal Failure and Muscle Twitch
An American with Nephrotic Syndrome is under Treatment in Our Hospital
Name: Michael
Nationality: America
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Diagnosis: Nephrotic Syndrome
Michael’s disease condition:
On September 6th, 2009, Michael was suggested having a rest by his doctor for edema occurred in his low body part. He thought this is caused by overstrain, and then he followed his doctor’s advice and took a rest for one month but his edema condition is more serious. Michael decided to check up carefully so as to find the exact reason so he took renal biopsy, blood test and urine test, however, the doctor find nothing. At that time his Creatinine is 108ml/min. Several months later, he felt more uncomfortable and then he went to take renal biopsy again. This time he was diagnosed with Focal Segmental Glomerular Fibrosis (FSGF). In later days more symptoms occurred such as proteinuria, hypertension and anemia. In 2010, the edema conditions relapsed five times. The western medicines can not thoroughly eliminate his edema condition.
Michael came to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, China:
On July 12th, 2011, Michael came to our hospital. He was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome and his disease was caused by Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and Renal Anemia as well as Renal Hypertension. Michael had serious edema and his two arms were lifted by his bulged body. He can’t walk for his feet had serious edema. His skin looked like transparent and we can see the capillaries clearly, which is caused by severe edema. His Creatinine is 356ml/min on July 12th.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Deals with Creatnine and Edema
If you want know more about us,please click here.An American with Nephrotic Syndrome is under Treatment in Our Hospital
The Treatment of Anemia of Chronic Renal Failure
Anemia is a common symptom of Chronic Renal Failure. If those symptoms occur such as nausea, inappetence, palpebraledema, gray skin and chills, you'd better go to hospital and examine your renal function, because early diagnosis of Chronic Renal Failure is better for therapeutic effects of renal anemia.
The main cause of anima of Chronic Renal Failure is the inability of the failing kidneys to secrete the erythropoietin stimulating the normal bone marrow to produce red blood cells. At the End Stage of Chronic Renal Failure, the deposited wastes restrain the erythropoietin forming and secreting and affect the hematopoiesis function of the bone marrow. In medical treatments, the erythropoietin is added into the patients by subcutaneous injection which has a long curative effect with a small dose. This treatment usually lasts for four to six months.
Patients with Chronic Renal Failure often have inappetence and severe vomit, which decrease the absorption of iron, folic acid and protein which are all the materials used to produce blood. In such cases, the patients should replenish those materials from food following the doctor'advice for the excessive supplement will increase workload of the damaged kidneys.
If you want know more about us,please click here,The Treatment of Anemia of Chronic Renal Failure
The main cause of anima of Chronic Renal Failure is the inability of the failing kidneys to secrete the erythropoietin stimulating the normal bone marrow to produce red blood cells. At the End Stage of Chronic Renal Failure, the deposited wastes restrain the erythropoietin forming and secreting and affect the hematopoiesis function of the bone marrow. In medical treatments, the erythropoietin is added into the patients by subcutaneous injection which has a long curative effect with a small dose. This treatment usually lasts for four to six months.
Patients with Chronic Renal Failure often have inappetence and severe vomit, which decrease the absorption of iron, folic acid and protein which are all the materials used to produce blood. In such cases, the patients should replenish those materials from food following the doctor'advice for the excessive supplement will increase workload of the damaged kidneys.
If you want know more about us,please click here,The Treatment of Anemia of Chronic Renal Failure
Harmonious Relationships between Patients and Medical Workers
Do you want to know the other side of our hospital? Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease hospital is superior to other hospitals not only on treatment methods but also on the harmonious relationship between medical workers and patients. Today I will talk about the love between medical workers and patients leaving aside the effective and advanced treatment methods for treating various kidney diseases in our hospital.
Stories happened between patients and medical workers
The first moving story happened between a customer service representative named Lina and a foreign patients coming from England on July 6 this year.
The patients came to Shijiazhuang Kidney disease Hospital, China companied by his wife and daughter. He contacted with Lina for nearly three months and then he decided to come to China for treatment. That is because he totally approved Lina and our treatment methods. On July 16, this patient should take dialysis for eight hours for his disease is very serious. The first sentence he said is where is Lina when he finished the dialysis. He prepared a big birthday cake for Lina for he saw her birth date through Lina’s email. Actually that day was not the exact birth date of Lina because she wrote it according to lunar calendar. Lina is busy in doing her work so he can not meet the patient quickly. What moved us most is that the patient kept waiting for Lina until Lina finished her work. When Lina and her colleague went to saw this patient he and his wife and daughter treated them very enthusiastically. You can think that why the foreign patient will treat Lina like this? They treated each other just like relatives and that is the most harmonious relationship between hospital workers and patients.
There are many examples which show the true love between patient and medical workers. There is also a Greek patient named Stefanos who has discharged from our hospital with health also developed good relationship with his medical workers.
If you want know more about us,please click here.Harmonious Relationships between Patients and Medical Workers
Can Kidney Diseases be Treated
Many patients with kidney disease ask to what degree our hospital can treat their disease. It depends on the repairing degree of the five intrinsic cells.
We study all kinds of kidney diseases according to the five intrinsic cells. Each kidney disease belongs to a specific type of intrinsic cells. They are Glomerular Epithelial Cells, Glomerular Endothelial cells, Glomerular Mesangial Cells, Kidney Tubulus Epithelial Cells and Mesenchymal Fibroblast. Long-time damage of five intrinsic cells will lead to renal fibrosis, which is the origin to cause all kidney diseases. If we take measures to recover the five intrinsic cells we can get rid of kidney disease completely. Usually inflammation and infection are the reason to cause renal fibrosis. Some other patients with complications such as Diabetes, Hypertension or hepatitis B can also lead to renal fibrosis.
In order to block the damage of renal fibrosis, first we need to expand blood vessels so as to relieve the symptoms like ischemia and anoxia which are caused by inflammatory pathological damage. Second we need inflammatory treatment to block its damage to kidney. Third, we should eliminate the rubbish in kidney which means avoiding forming thrombus, and then keeping regular blood circulation. Fourth, degrade fibrous tissues ECM, only after we degrade all the ECM, can the disease condition reverse and repair the kidney completely.
If you want know more about us,please click here.Can Kidney Diseases be Treated
Fight with Kidney Failure
When kidney problem progresses into the fourth stage or Kidney Failure, there is large portion of glomeruli that show evidence of sclerosis, segmental or global. At this stage, kidneys become incapable of excreting metabolic wastes or other toxic substances, and their retention within blood contributes to the occurrence of various complications.
Then, the question is what treatments should be adopted for patients with Kidney Failure?
Given that, kidney function decline stems from sclerosis of glomeruli, so the corresponding treatments will start from treating damages in glomeruli.
Glomeruli consist of massive blood capillaries, which is the main place where blood filtration takes place. When damages to epithelial cells of these capillaries, they will proliferate to protect themselves, however this excessive proliferation blocks fluent blood circulation within glomeruli and long term insufficient blood and oxygen supply to renal blood capillary cells will lead to apoptosis, with sclerosis being the final result. So the key in treating Kidney Failure is to promote the internal ischemia and anemia situation of kidneys. This is exactly what Micro-Chinese Medicine can do through dilating whole body blood vessels to increase blood inflow to kidneys; inactivate inflammatory response of kidney cells to eliminate cell proliferation; degrading these already existed proliferated cells to reduce blood circulation blocks; and finally, providing materials necessary for the self-repairing of damaged kidney cells. By this, a favorable internal environment for damaged cell self-repairing will be created, and there will be no further decline of kidney function.
However, for patients with Kidney Failure, the large portion of their glomeruli have already become globally sclerosed, and for these globally sclerosed glomeruli, there is little can be done to recover their function. And that is exactly why we introduced in immunotherapy in treating kidney disease.
If you have some problem,please click here.Fight with Kidney Failure
Why People Choose Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Before we answer the question, we should the know what the most important thing to patients of Renal Failure is. It is the curative effects that all patients of Renal Failure are seeking for. Therefore, we can make a conclusion about the reason for people choose Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is that the Osmotherapy has an effective effects in treating Renal Failure. In order to give you an clear explanation, the brief introduction, principle and functions will be introduced here.
Micro-Chinese Medicine is neither an oral medicine nor operation, it is the medicine absorbed through skin by osmoscope. The medicine is processed by the processing technology which can microniz the Chinese medicine molecules of micro-sized diameter into one thousandth smaller granules by using ultrasonic cavitations, and then make the effective ingredients of the Chinese medicine overflow fully.
Principles of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
1. Activating remaining renal inherent cells and helping recover the metabolism
Generally speaking, there are three kinds of cells in kidneys: necrotic cells, damaged cells and the remaining healthy ones. The Micro-Chinese Medicine can recover the function of the damaged cells, thus activating the lost renal functions.
2. Improving the micro-circulation and creating repairing environment
Micro-Chinese Medicine can expand blood vessels, keep blood circulation, adjust blood pressure, improve the micro-circulation and relieve the problems of ischemia and anoxia, thus creating a favorable environment of repairing as well as lightening intoxication.
3. Two-phase immune adjustment and metabolism
The Micro-Chinese Medicine can enhance the lymphocyte transform rate, thus enhancing the sterilizing ability of the patients with Renal Failure so as to establish the repairing basis.
If you still have questions about the therapy, you can email for more information.Or click here,Why People Choose Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Multi-Targeting Function of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Repairing Damaged Renal Intrinsic Cells
1. Activate the function of the remaining renal intrinsic cells, reverse and recover cell metabolism.
(1) Activate the metabolic function of renal intrinsic cells and speed up the reconstruction of glomerular function.
(2) Protect endothelial cells, prevent further damage and reverse the damaged endothelial function.
(3) Activate the self-repair mechanisms of renal intrinsic cells.
2. Improve microcirculation of the damaged kidneys, provide aerobic repairing environment and accelerate repair of cells and reconstruction of kidney units.
Whether the damaged kidneys can be successfully repaired or not depends on the kidney microcirculation state and aerobic repairing environment. If the root of renal fibrosis—ischemia and hypoxia can not be restrained, damaged kidneys surely can not be repaired. Therefore, in order to effectively recover the damaged kidneys, we must improve the ischemia and hypoxia environment.
3. Improve the internal environment of damaged kidneys, alleviate toxic symptom and provide a favorable environment for repair and reconstruction.
(1) Through oxygen supply, it can increase aerobic metabolism, promote EPO secretion, improve anemia and suppress the formation of renal fibrosis.
(2) Through the targeting function of vasodilation, it can increase effective blood circulation, improve local ischemia and hypoxia as well as repair the damaged epithelial cells of renal tubule and recover their function.
4. Regulate immunity and metabolic function, control the progress of disease and provide a foundation for repair and reconstruction.
(1) Strengthen percent conversion of lymphocyte in patients, increase absorption to IL_2, enhance the activity of killer cells and promote cellular immune function.
(2) Micro-Chinese Medicine can restrain the reaction from mesangial cells and neutrophil to active oxygen, damage of inflammatory factors TNF-αand PDGF to vascular endothelial cells.
(3) Strengthen the phagocytic activity of immune cells in patients with a low immunity, speed up phagocytosion to apoptotic cells and immune complex, thus laying foundations for purifying internal environment.
(4) Activate IgG and IgM and strengthen immunity of body fluid.
5. Provide repairing materials for recovery and repair.
(1) Micro-Chinese Medicine contains more than ten trace elements, especially zinc and selenium, which can promote synthesis of protein and enzyme and strengthen immunity.
(2) Active substances in Chinese medicine are rich in various vitamins and organic acid.
(3) Promote DNA replication in cells and accelerate synthesis of protein which will involve in renal recovery.
(4) Active substances in Chinese medicine are rich in multiple essential amino-acid which can provide nutrition for the repaired cells.Multi-Targeting Function of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Repairing Damaged Renal Intrinsic Cells
(1) Activate the metabolic function of renal intrinsic cells and speed up the reconstruction of glomerular function.
(2) Protect endothelial cells, prevent further damage and reverse the damaged endothelial function.
(3) Activate the self-repair mechanisms of renal intrinsic cells.
2. Improve microcirculation of the damaged kidneys, provide aerobic repairing environment and accelerate repair of cells and reconstruction of kidney units.
Whether the damaged kidneys can be successfully repaired or not depends on the kidney microcirculation state and aerobic repairing environment. If the root of renal fibrosis—ischemia and hypoxia can not be restrained, damaged kidneys surely can not be repaired. Therefore, in order to effectively recover the damaged kidneys, we must improve the ischemia and hypoxia environment.
3. Improve the internal environment of damaged kidneys, alleviate toxic symptom and provide a favorable environment for repair and reconstruction.
(1) Through oxygen supply, it can increase aerobic metabolism, promote EPO secretion, improve anemia and suppress the formation of renal fibrosis.
(2) Through the targeting function of vasodilation, it can increase effective blood circulation, improve local ischemia and hypoxia as well as repair the damaged epithelial cells of renal tubule and recover their function.
4. Regulate immunity and metabolic function, control the progress of disease and provide a foundation for repair and reconstruction.
(1) Strengthen percent conversion of lymphocyte in patients, increase absorption to IL_2, enhance the activity of killer cells and promote cellular immune function.
(2) Micro-Chinese Medicine can restrain the reaction from mesangial cells and neutrophil to active oxygen, damage of inflammatory factors TNF-αand PDGF to vascular endothelial cells.
(3) Strengthen the phagocytic activity of immune cells in patients with a low immunity, speed up phagocytosion to apoptotic cells and immune complex, thus laying foundations for purifying internal environment.
(4) Activate IgG and IgM and strengthen immunity of body fluid.
5. Provide repairing materials for recovery and repair.
(1) Micro-Chinese Medicine contains more than ten trace elements, especially zinc and selenium, which can promote synthesis of protein and enzyme and strengthen immunity.
(2) Active substances in Chinese medicine are rich in various vitamins and organic acid.
(3) Promote DNA replication in cells and accelerate synthesis of protein which will involve in renal recovery.
(4) Active substances in Chinese medicine are rich in multiple essential amino-acid which can provide nutrition for the repaired cells.Multi-Targeting Function of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Repairing Damaged Renal Intrinsic Cells
Clinical Treatment Effect of Active Substances in Micro-Chinese Medicine on Blocking Renal Fibrosis (Ⅰ)
Short-Term Clinical Treatment Effects of Vasodilatory Function of Active Substances in Micro-Chinese Medicine
1. Blocking treatment method:
Dilating blood vessels function of Micro-Chinese Medicine can increase effective blood perfusion for the damaged renal intrinsic cells, improve effective blood circulation of damaged renal intrinsic cells, relieve ischemia and hypoxia state and block the startup factors of renal fibrosis.
2. Clinical treatment effect:
If the above treatment method is properly carried out, it will generate the following treatment effect recently:
(1) Short term treatment effect in clinical, when glomerular filtration improves:
① Urine volume gradually increases;
② Ammonia smell in urine gradually becomes thick;
③ The color of urine will gradually turns dark;
④ Creatinine excreted with urine in 24 hours gradually increases.
(2) Short term manifestations in clinical, when the state of high blood pressure and high filtration has been improved:
① Proteinuria and blood urine decline little by little;
② Protein in 24 hours will gradually reduces;
③ Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) gradually improves;
(3) Recent treatment effect, when various functions of renal tubular promote:
① When resorption function of renal tubular improves, renal glycosuria will lessen or disappear. When taking qualitative or quantitative check, it is found that urine protein will gradually decline;
② When regulatory function of renal tubular improves, the state of electrolyte disturbance in blood will gradually improve as well as acid-base imbalance, symptom of acid-base poisoning completely disappear;
③ When concentration function of renal function improves, symptom of increased nocturia lightens, symptom of low urinary specific gravity in the morning improves and specific gravity restores to more than 1.025.
If you want know more about this,please click here.Clinical Treatment Effect of Active Substances in Micro-Chinese Medicine on Blocking Renal Fibrosis (Ⅰ)
1. Blocking treatment method:
Dilating blood vessels function of Micro-Chinese Medicine can increase effective blood perfusion for the damaged renal intrinsic cells, improve effective blood circulation of damaged renal intrinsic cells, relieve ischemia and hypoxia state and block the startup factors of renal fibrosis.
2. Clinical treatment effect:
If the above treatment method is properly carried out, it will generate the following treatment effect recently:
(1) Short term treatment effect in clinical, when glomerular filtration improves:
① Urine volume gradually increases;
② Ammonia smell in urine gradually becomes thick;
③ The color of urine will gradually turns dark;
④ Creatinine excreted with urine in 24 hours gradually increases.
(2) Short term manifestations in clinical, when the state of high blood pressure and high filtration has been improved:
① Proteinuria and blood urine decline little by little;
② Protein in 24 hours will gradually reduces;
③ Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) gradually improves;
(3) Recent treatment effect, when various functions of renal tubular promote:
① When resorption function of renal tubular improves, renal glycosuria will lessen or disappear. When taking qualitative or quantitative check, it is found that urine protein will gradually decline;
② When regulatory function of renal tubular improves, the state of electrolyte disturbance in blood will gradually improve as well as acid-base imbalance, symptom of acid-base poisoning completely disappear;
③ When concentration function of renal function improves, symptom of increased nocturia lightens, symptom of low urinary specific gravity in the morning improves and specific gravity restores to more than 1.025.
If you want know more about this,please click here.Clinical Treatment Effect of Active Substances in Micro-Chinese Medicine on Blocking Renal Fibrosis (Ⅰ)
Treat Kidney Failure with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
How about treating Kidney Failure by Traditional Chinese Medicine? The treatment effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine is slow but very effective. Experts suggest choosing TCM treatment method “Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy”.
1. Vasodilator Effect of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

For kidney disease patients, due to inflammatory mediators and various oxidative stress reactions in the blood, vascular tissue at all levels will be damaged, which will definitely lead to bad blood circulation and microcirculatory system ischemia and anoxia. Then the renal intrinsic cells will appear ischemia and anoxia, which can cause damage to kidneys. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can dilate all levels of artery in the kidneys as well as the whole body, and relieve the high blood pressure and the tension state of the vessels, thus improve the state of renal ischemia and hypoxia and restrain the origin of renal fibrosis.
2. Anti-inflammatory Effect of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
A large amount of inflammatory factors and renal toxic factors will accelerate the process of Renal Fibrosis and damage to renal intrinsic cell. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can solve all kinds of inflammatory reaction caused by this and suppress the further damage of renal intrinsic cells.
3. Anti-coagulation Effect of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
The appearance of inflammatory lesions will inevitably strengthen the activity of platelet. The increased platelet will definitely result in the increase of the blood viscosity, causing clotting. The increase of blood coagulation factors will gradually lead to the formation of different degrees of thrombus, which will give rise to microcirculation blocking and ischemia and anoxia. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has anti-coagulation effect, which can prevent the formation of thrombus and promote the repair of renal intrinsic cells.
If you want know more about this,please click here.Treat Kidney Failure with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
1. Vasodilator Effect of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
For kidney disease patients, due to inflammatory mediators and various oxidative stress reactions in the blood, vascular tissue at all levels will be damaged, which will definitely lead to bad blood circulation and microcirculatory system ischemia and anoxia. Then the renal intrinsic cells will appear ischemia and anoxia, which can cause damage to kidneys. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can dilate all levels of artery in the kidneys as well as the whole body, and relieve the high blood pressure and the tension state of the vessels, thus improve the state of renal ischemia and hypoxia and restrain the origin of renal fibrosis.
2. Anti-inflammatory Effect of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
A large amount of inflammatory factors and renal toxic factors will accelerate the process of Renal Fibrosis and damage to renal intrinsic cell. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can solve all kinds of inflammatory reaction caused by this and suppress the further damage of renal intrinsic cells.
3. Anti-coagulation Effect of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
The appearance of inflammatory lesions will inevitably strengthen the activity of platelet. The increased platelet will definitely result in the increase of the blood viscosity, causing clotting. The increase of blood coagulation factors will gradually lead to the formation of different degrees of thrombus, which will give rise to microcirculation blocking and ischemia and anoxia. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has anti-coagulation effect, which can prevent the formation of thrombus and promote the repair of renal intrinsic cells.
If you want know more about this,please click here.Treat Kidney Failure with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
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How much is kidney damage with serum creatinine 2.5? Creatinine helps to tell the damage of kidneys, but not exact enough. Why do we say...
Patients with early-stage Chronic Renal Failure should get treatment timely so as to prevent the deterioration of disease. Long-time Chroni...
Most patients with Kidney Failure have symptoms of nausea and vomiting which are usually considered as stomach trouble, delaying treatment...
Many patients know renal atrophy will be asked to renal atrophy is what caused it. Renal atrophy and kidney volume and age, gender and bo...
Treatment of the serum creatinine high which is better? For serum creatinine, high treatment which, from a national perspective, the trea...
Patients with kidney failure should restrain the intake of sodium, phosphorus and potassium. Patients usually confused with the diet. Here ...
We have to eat every day, catering for everyone are very important, especially for patients with lupus nephritis patients are no exception...