
Complications and Symptoms of Kidney Failure

1.complications relating with the disorder among water, electrolyte and acid-base balance. 2.metabolic disorder of calcium and phosphorus and renal osteodystrophy. 3. Complications in digestive system; 4. Complications in cardiovascular system 5. Complications in respiratory system 6. Complications in hematologic system 7. Infective complications caused by Uremia 8. Complications in Nerve-muscle system 9. Complications caused by skin lesion
1.mild damage on renal function
1)when GFR is no less than 30ml/min, most patients have no main symptoms or only have symptoms like increasing nocturnal enuresis, fatigue, sore waist and so on. During assistant test, some patients may accompany with secondary hyperparathyroidism.
2)Patients with Chronic Renal Failure which is caused by the glomerulus disease may accompany with some common symptoms, such as anemia, hematuria, proteinurine, high blood pressure, oliguria, etc.
3) To patients with Chronic Kidney Disease caused by kidney tubules tubulointerstitial disease, symptoms like anemia, metabolic acidosis and increaseing nocturnal enuresis are common to see. High blood pressure rarely occur unless patients also suffer from urinary tract obstruction, reflux kidneys, etc.

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