Symptoms of high creatinine
Some individuals may find out they have Renal Failure when there is extremely high levels of creatinine in routine blood tests, without feeling any symptoms at all. In other cases, patients may suffer from problems, such as felling tired or weakness, dehydration, confusion, shortness of breath, etc.
The most common causes of longstanding kidney disease in adults are high blood pressure and Diabetes Mellitus. High serum creatinine may also be caused by ingestion of large amount of dietary meat. Other reasons may also cause high serum creatinine, which can be seen as follows:
1. Dehydration can lead to elevated creatinine by causing blood fluid concentration and reduction of kidney blood flow.
2. Nephrotoxic medicines taken by those with kidney diseases can lead to elevated creatinine, which can be irreversible.
3. Over fatigue may lead to intermittent high serum creatinine.