Chinese Traditional Medicine and Immumunotherapy to treat Renal Failure. We are going to introduce the three core methods to the whole world so as to help more and more people with Renal Failure. Hope them get rid of the disease and live a happy life.
What are the symptoms of renal failure, dialysis patients?
Most people toxins from the body after dialysis decreased, will feel comfortable on the body, but there are also washed uncomfortable proportion of patients, known as the dialysis disequilibrium syndrome. So what is dialysis disequilibrium syndrome? : Refers to in hemodialysis (usually refers only to the artificial kidney dialysis), effective dialysis induced body fluid volume and chemical osmotic equilibrium calibrated speed caused affected the balance of intracellular and extracellular osmotic pressure and the resulting series of renal failure not directly related to syndrome.
1.Alleviate symptoms of recurrence of artificial kidney dialysis or shortly after the 48h after the original has been reduced symptoms again, can be expressed as headache, nausea, vomiting air of confusion, convulsions, coma and even death.
2.Symptoms to improve the excess poison has been ruled out, but clinical symptoms did not have a corresponding improvement.
3 pathological reflex was positive and increased intracranial pressure
Alleviate the symptoms of the clinical features of hemodialysis appears again, the above clinical symptoms.
Laboratory tests of serum potassium and urea nitrogen, creatinine, has been a marked decline in the cerebrospinal fluid content is relatively high in some cases the clinical manifestations of cerebral edema.
Treatment trials to improve the patient's plasma osmolality, have a certain effect on the treatment of the symptoms.
Treatment programs (dialysis disequilibrium syndrome dialysis disequilibrium syndrome how is it treated?):
Dialysis speed slow down the artificial kidney dialysis speed, especially when repeatedly dialysis should slow down, but the impact of dialysis efficacy is not easy to be adopted.
(2) to prevent the plasma osmolality to reduce advocated plus hypertonic fructose, glucose, or diameter by adding dialysis fluid to compensate for the reduction reaction of the dialysis and plasma osmolality, but this method is easy to lead to high blood sugar osmotic pressure hyperlipidemia, therefore difficult to grasp.
(3) symptomatic treatment.
Why uremia (end stage renal disease) must dialysis
Uremia two diagnostic criteria in clinical practice, a fourth of the chronic renal insufficiency, chronic renal insufficiency based on the level of serum creatinine in China is divided into four: a renal decompensation, serum creatinine 133-177 (Scr) umol / L; two renal decompensation, serum creatinine (Scr) 177 443umol / L; three renal failure of (uremia early), serum creatinine (Scr) and 443-707umol / L; four uremia, serum creatinine (Scr)> 707umoll / L, respectively. Another is chronic kidney disease (CKD) Stage V chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a foreign based on glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is divided into five: 1 and GFR> 90ml/min/1.73m2; period, GFR, 60-89ml/min/1.73m2; 3, GFR, 30-59ml/min/1.73m2; phase, GFR, 15-29ml/min/1.73m2; and GFR <15ml/min/1.73m2 ( or dialysis).
Uremia, in fact, refers to almost all of fibrosis in kidney tissue, resulting in loss of kidney function, not the human body through the kidneys produce urine, and waste generated by the in vivo metabolism and excessive moisture can not be eliminated from the body, such as glucose, proteins, organic acids , sodium, potassium, sodium bicarbonate, acid-base balance disorders resulting in disorders of the human environment, as well as the endocrine function of kidney abnormalities such as: the secretion of renin, erythropoietin, active vitamin D3, prostaglandin exception. Modern medicine believe that uremia is a complex syndrome of loss of renal function, the body's internal biochemical processes generated by the disorder. Not an independent disease, known as renal failure syndrome, or referred to renal failure.
Uremic kidney failure as the disease progress metabolic disorders caused by the poison of the results. Uremia is not terrible, terrible complications of uremia, in particular, to uremia advanced, involving the heart, lungs, liver, spleen and other organs and systems, and each type of complications are life-threatening, so it should be from the early high degree of attention.
From the Western point of view, clinical serum creatinine (Scr)> 707, will be carried out hemodialysis, but the serum creatinine level is not the only indicator of hemodialysis. In conjunction with the general vital signs of patients with uremia, symptoms, clinical manifestations, and supporting test results to assess the condition, does require dialysis must be timely or urgent dialysis.
Dialysis is the artificial kidney - dialysis membrane and dialysis machines to remove kidney failure when the patient's body more water, toxins, to correct electrolyte and acid-base disorders. Dialysis membrane to separate the blood and dialysate cleared from the serum by the principle of diffusion and convection of water and toxins from the dialysate to supplement the lack of substance, such as alkaline ions and calcium ions. In general, the purpose of dialysis is to quickly bring down the body of water and toxins, alleviate the symptoms of uremic patients, prevention of complications.
Uremic patients due to the role of renal hypertension, acidosis, hyperkalemia, sodium and water retention, anemia, and toxic substances such as heart failure, arrhythmias and myocardial damage. Stimulate the role of urea (and possibly acid) can also occur aseptic pericarditis in patients with heart chest pain, smell and pericardial friction rub on physical examination. Severe pericardial cavity, cellulose and bloody exudate appears.
Dialysis is the most direct way to a rapid elimination of toxins from the body, the body produces a lot of toxins to life-threatening, immediately clear toxins, meet the basic environmental balance in the body, so that life can be maintained, and also bring to the next treatment time.
Another point to emphasize is not the law of dialysis can solve all problems, the control diet, drinking, smoking, alcohol, and to develop good habits, improve immunity.
In general, the weekly dialysis patients, a daily water intake The lOOml and 24 hours of urine output and anuria in patients with daily water intake does not exceed lOOml; patients with dialysis two times a week, daily water intake plus for 300ml 24h urine output and water intake in patients with anuria not more than 300ml; dialysis three times a week, daily water intake for the 500ml plus the amount of urine, the daily water intake in patients with anuria not more than 500ml. Water intake must be limited, otherwise it will result in edema; complications such as hypertension and heart failure. In hemodialysis patients into the water every day how much is good, should be based on the patient's specific circumstances. In principle, Expenditure and Revenues to maintain a balance. The amount of urine, vomiting and diarrhea volume, dominant negative water (400-600ral/24h the) and dialysis dehydration.
Intake including daily water intake, the sum of the water content in food and in vivo metabolism of endogenous water. Determine the water in the body fluid balance is the most simple method is to measure weight, dialysis patients should be weighed in a day, requiring dialysis during the weight increases in the l less than 1.5kg a short period of time the weight changes are result of changes in liquid water in the body. Dialysis patients can not rely on increasing the ultrafiltration to improve the day-to-day into the water, because of the large number of rapid ultrafiltration hemodialysis water will cause the drop in blood pressure, cramps, headaches and other symptoms, and chronic water overload to increase cardiovascular load. The consequences are bad.
As for the management of salt, usually avoid high salt foods such as salted fish, salted egg, bacon, pickles, sauce and a variety of pickled products, oliguria, edema, blood pressure, should be controlled salt intake intake, on behalf of the salt is not abuse. Patients with dialysis three times a week, the daily salt intake of about 4g weekly dialysis patients daily salt intake of 3g.
Therefore, the high toxins in the body of uremic patients to stimulate cholestasis is extremely dangerous to life, we must implement the dialysis quickly to eliminate toxins from the body, meet the basic environmental balance in the body, so that life can be maintained.
Dialysis whether lowering serum creatinine
Dialysis whether lowering serum creatinine
First, what is serum creatinine? Serum creatinine (Scr) and endogenous creatinine (from decomposition of the body creatine from the formation constant, from the influence of food ingredients) and exogenous creatinine (derived from the intake of fish, meat food). Serum creatinine also known as serum creatinine, generally considered to be endogenous creatinine, endogenous creatinine is a product of the metabolism of human muscle. In muscle, creatine is mainly by the irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction slowly constitute creatinine, and then released into the bloodstream, with the urinary excretion. Thus closely related to serum creatinine and total body muscle and less susceptible to dietary influence. Creatinine small molecules can be filtered through the kidney ball very little absorption in the renal tubules, creatinine the body produces daily, almost all with the urine, are generally not subject to the urine output impact. Clinical detection of serum creatinine is one of the main way of common understanding of renal function.
Creatinine level more than half of the intrinsic cells for kidney patients, under normal circumstances means that the kidney is healthy at least damage. Because creatinine level? how to reduceCreatinine level ? Creatinine level how the treatment? The causes of elevated serum creatinine? Creatinine level is due to intrinsic renal cell injury, leading to kidney original functional disorder, with the damage kidney more and more intrinsic cells, gradually increased the scope of kidney function is lost, the toxins from the body can not be excreted, resulting in increased laboratory tests of serum creatinine. When serum creatinine height exceeds 707umol / l, which means the patient's condition has been developed to uremia stage.
Creatinine level how the treatment? In general, the creatinine level generally use western medicine for detoxification, but, after a long period of clinical observation, we found that western medicine detoxification treating the symptoms not the illness, only temporarily serum creatinine down, those are surface phenomena, generally maintained 2-3 times per week dialysis assisted detoxification, or after a certain period of time, serum creatinine will rapidly increased.
Serum creatinine increased renal fibrosis, with normal nephron filtration function is replaced by fibrous tissue, loss of detoxification function. Stones is due to colloids and crystal metabolic imbalance due to the body, and infection, nutritional and metabolic disorders, urinary tract foreign body, urine smoldering and geographical and climatic factors. But strong growth to a certain period will lead to renal parenchymal damage, and now the key to treatment is inherent in the gravel at the same time repair the kidney cells, the renal parenchyma, a comprehensive repair, eliminate the cause from the fundamental, it is recommended that you use Chinese medicine to regulate system treatment programs. Because Chinese medicine does not contain any hormones, and the prognosis is not easy repeated.
· Kidney disease hospital the TCM holographic machine due to intervention therapy with the comprehensive treatment of live kidney series of prescriptions, which can effectively repair the damaged functional nephron. TCM holographic machine intervention therapy, drugs active ingredients penetrate through the acupuncture points spread to the kidney, active through the kidney, blood circulation, lowering cloud detoxification by means activate kidney function to clear the kidneys, for the purpose. TCM holographic machine intervention therapy can promote and improve the already shrinking the necrosis of the kidney microcirculation, accelerate the metabolism of the diseased kidney, so that the active ingredients in drugs to fully play its role, to repair damaged glomerular enhanced glomerular reabsorption, restore kidney normal the physiological function of serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen decreased to normal.
Patients with renal insufficiency inherited?
Ward which often have patients ask me, patients with kidney disease is not genetic, based on clinical experience and related information, most of the kidney disease is not hereditary. So far found in polycystic kidney disease is genetic history there is a latency in the body, if they are felt factors, will be the incidence of
Caused by renal insufficiency can be many causes, most of the causes of renal dysfunction is not hereditary, but it is worth noting is the cause of renal insufficiency, there is a hereditary nephropathy, for example, polycystic kidney disease is one of them, clinical, polycystic kidney disease is divided into autosomal dominant polycystic kidney and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney, the former is more common, the latter rare, a genetic disease due to familial aggregation, therefore, polycystic kidney disease caused by renal insufficiency with a certain genetic color, we recommend, the best of this class of patients considering having children at the same time considered from the perspective of prenatal and postnatal care, and to take effective treatment measures, positive patients with renal insufficiency. From clinical experience, the doctrine of the original master of the Spleen "and" β-like immune conditioning "therapy of chronic renal insufficiency have a good therapeutic effect.
In addition, for patients with essential hypertension, but also should be noted that, due to high blood pressure is easy cause of renal insufficiency, renal insufficiency, one of the reasons this part of the patients also need to be vigilant heart, experts said, may genetic hypertension, renal insufficiency, the situation
Why Uremic patients not have sex?
Uremia is it? Urine inside is literally no toxins, the most simple clinical patients can be seen, the patient's urine, the smell is very light, the color is very pale, serious enough to see urination no color, no odor, which is the kidneys can not be excluded toxins, water, not metabolism of the body out of toxins from the body due to accumulation of toxins, the body's internal biochemical process disorder resulting from a complex syndrome.
Renal, endocrine function, juxtaglomerular cells may secrete renin, renin, intrahepatic synthesis of angiotensinogen into angiotensin I, the latter in the lungs angiotensin converting enzyme generated angiotensin II vasoconstriction with a strong blood pressure and stimulate aldosterone secretion. Device can generate juxtaglomerular erythropoietin factor, the factor of the role of EPO in the heyday of the liver, red blood cells, making the conversion, but also regulate water and electrolyte acid-base balance, is the human body in a relatively stable internal environment, and ensure normal the victory of activities.
In patients with uremia toxins from the body is too high, and will be accompanied by varying degrees of water and electrolyte acid-base balance disorder, cause 1) the hypothalamic - pituitary - gonadal dysfunction: in uremic patients because urinary toxins affect the endocrine system, caused by the abnormal;
(2) organic: about 90% of patients with autonomic nervous system or penile vascular occlusion, about 56% of patients had severe sexual dysfunction, and another 20-30% of patients have mild or moderate sexual dysfunction; these organic damage may be caused because of uremia or the reasons for the original cause of chronic renal failure;
(3) uremia itself;
(4) uremic complications: such as the excitement of parathyroid function, anemia, cardiovascular disease, stroke, infection, malnutrition and other problems;
(5), fatigue, psychosocial factors, depression and other problems
Treatment for Renal Failure Induced by Glomerularnephritis
and renal failure are renal disease, among them there is a connection!
Generally speaking, glomerulonephritis, renal failure due to Suffering from nephritis, if long-term therapy ultimately will develop into renal failure. Is not the same way for both treatment and care. So, how to distinguish between glomerulonephritis and renal failure is very important.
How to distinguish between glomerulonephritis and renal failure? Glomerulonephritis:
The clinical manifestations of this disease occurs mainly in children and adolescents, more men than women. Common manifestations are as follows:
Edema To start the eyelids start, and gradually spread to the body and even the chest, ascites;
② blood pressure is elevated;
The ③ hematuria mostly wash the meat in water samples associated with proteinuria, urinary tube;
④ most of them have varying degrees of renal impairment, the most obvious change in glomerular filtration rate.
The first two weeks of bed rest, wait for his condition improved significantly and gradually get up activities, generally a break of not less than two months; diet is generally given to the animal protein, adequate calorie and vitamin-rich foods; give a low-salt or no salt diet according to the degree of edema severe edema should limit the intake of water, vomiting, not eating should be intravenous the lonely rehydration and antiemetic; edema or oliguria should use diuretics, high blood pressure, use of antihypertensive drugs; use of penicillin to prevent infection.
How to distinguish between glomerulonephritis and renal failure? Renal failure:
① start of this period, patients often suffer from some known of the etiology of ATN, such as hypotension, ischemia, sepsis and renal toxins, but not yet renal parenchymal damage in acute renal failure at this stage can prevent. as renal tubular epithelial obvious damage, GFR a sudden drop in the performance of acute renal failure syndrome in the clinical became apparent, then enter the maintenance phase.
② maintenance phase, also known as oliguria. Typical for 7-14 days, but can also be as short as a few days, as long as 4-6 weeks. Glomerular rate remained at a low level. Many patients, there may be oliguria (<40Oml / d). but some patients can no oliguria, urine output more than 400ml / d, referred to as non-oliguric acute renal failure, the disease mostly light, with good prognosis, however, regardless of urine output to reduce, with the renal dysfunction in clinical practice can be a series of uremia performance.
③ infection is another common and serious complications of acute renal failure in acute renal failure at the same time or in the development of the disease process can also merge multiple organ failure in patients with mortality as high as 70%.
How to distinguish between glomerulonephritis and renal failure? Glomerulonephritis:
The clinical manifestations of this disease occurs mainly in children and adolescents, more men than women. Common manifestations are as follows:
Edema To start the eyelids start, and gradually spread to the body and even the chest, ascites;
② blood pressure is elevated;
The ③ hematuria mostly wash the meat in water samples associated with proteinuria, urinary tube;
④ most of them have varying degrees of renal impairment, the most obvious change in glomerular filtration rate.
The first two weeks of bed rest, wait for his condition improved significantly and gradually get up activities, generally a break of not less than two months; diet is generally given to the animal protein, adequate calorie and vitamin-rich foods; give a low-salt or no salt diet according to the degree of edema severe edema should limit the intake of water, vomiting, not eating should be intravenous the lonely rehydration and antiemetic; edema or oliguria should use diuretics, high blood pressure, use of antihypertensive drugs; use of penicillin to prevent infection.
How to distinguish between glomerulonephritis and renal failure? Renal failure:
① start of this period, patients often suffer from some known of the etiology of ATN, such as hypotension, ischemia, sepsis and renal toxins, but not yet renal parenchymal damage in acute renal failure at this stage can prevent. as renal tubular epithelial obvious damage, GFR a sudden drop in the performance of acute renal failure syndrome in the clinical became apparent, then enter the maintenance phase.
② maintenance phase, also known as oliguria. Typical for 7-14 days, but can also be as short as a few days, as long as 4-6 weeks. Glomerular rate remained at a low level. Many patients, there may be oliguria (<40Oml / d). but some patients can no oliguria, urine output more than 400ml / d, referred to as non-oliguric acute renal failure, the disease mostly light, with good prognosis, however, regardless of urine output to reduce, with the renal dysfunction in clinical practice can be a series of uremia performance.
③ infection is another common and serious complications of acute renal failure in acute renal failure at the same time or in the development of the disease process can also merge multiple organ failure in patients with mortality as high as 70%.
When Will Dialysis be Prescribed to in Diabetic Nephropathy
Diabetic nephropathy requiring dialysis? Development of diabetic nephropathy to the late usually complications of renal failure, this time is generally required dialysis, diabetic renal failure, dialysis and other chronic kidney disease caused by uremia, compared with a certain degree of particularity.
Diabetic nephropathy is a common complication of diabetes, is one of the manifestations of diabetic systemic microvascular disease, as the disease progresses in later stages of diabetic nephropathy in patients with elevated serum creatinine in patients with diabetic nephropathy increased serum creatinine, and you will be prompted the kidney has a serious injury.
Treatment of diabetic nephropathy need to:
As soon as possible to carry out dialysis. General idea of dialysis carried out earlier, the serum creatinine the in 420umol / L, endogenous creatinine clearance rate of 10 ~ 15ml/min or uremic symptoms may be considered to carry out dialysis patients with diabetes is often associated with vascular disease, fistula mature relatively long time, so ostomy surgery should be made sooner.
Dialysis process should be monitored for blood glucose levels, blood sugar after dialysis should not be higher than 8.8mmol / L.
, Dialysis should ensure that the full water and solute removal, dialysis three times a week is more appropriate, less short-term dialysis. Another course of treatment can not simply rely on dialysis, which can only play the role temporarily replace kidney function.
Fourth, the dose of heparin, at least with non-diabetic dialysis, or slightly higher.
The same in patients with diabetic nephropathy need to clear diabetic nephropathy is not a simple dialysis, dialysis only provide a good environment for the repair of post-renal and dialysis should also select the appropriate ways and means of their own treatment of the disease. Dialysis at the same time, with the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy ---- of micro-penetration therapy of Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine active substances play to improve the patient environment within the disordered state, to improve the status of renal ischemia and hypoxia, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, providing repair required the multiple effects of various nutritional elements, and ultimately intrinsic cells repair the kidney and restore renal function to avoid the purpose of the final treatment of recurrent disease.
Diabetic nephropathy is a common complication of diabetes, is one of the manifestations of diabetic systemic microvascular disease, as the disease progresses in later stages of diabetic nephropathy in patients with elevated serum creatinine in patients with diabetic nephropathy increased serum creatinine, and you will be prompted the kidney has a serious injury.
Treatment of diabetic nephropathy need to:
As soon as possible to carry out dialysis. General idea of dialysis carried out earlier, the serum creatinine the in 420umol / L, endogenous creatinine clearance rate of 10 ~ 15ml/min or uremic symptoms may be considered to carry out dialysis patients with diabetes is often associated with vascular disease, fistula mature relatively long time, so ostomy surgery should be made sooner.
Dialysis process should be monitored for blood glucose levels, blood sugar after dialysis should not be higher than 8.8mmol / L.
, Dialysis should ensure that the full water and solute removal, dialysis three times a week is more appropriate, less short-term dialysis. Another course of treatment can not simply rely on dialysis, which can only play the role temporarily replace kidney function.
Fourth, the dose of heparin, at least with non-diabetic dialysis, or slightly higher.
The same in patients with diabetic nephropathy need to clear diabetic nephropathy is not a simple dialysis, dialysis only provide a good environment for the repair of post-renal and dialysis should also select the appropriate ways and means of their own treatment of the disease. Dialysis at the same time, with the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy ---- of micro-penetration therapy of Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine active substances play to improve the patient environment within the disordered state, to improve the status of renal ischemia and hypoxia, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, providing repair required the multiple effects of various nutritional elements, and ultimately intrinsic cells repair the kidney and restore renal function to avoid the purpose of the final treatment of recurrent disease.
Potential Life Barriers faced to patients after Kidney Transplant (Transplantation)
What is a kidney transplant?Kidney
transplantation, commonly known as "transplant" a lot of people,
literally, that the kidney transplant necrosis of the kidney excised,
re-transplant a healthy kidney is a new kidney and old kidney exchange
surgery. In fact, this is a wrong understanding of kidney transplantation.So, what is kidney transplantation? Kidney
transplant a healthy kidney implanted in the iliac fossa of the
patient's right lower quadrant, with the new kidney to replace the
original kidneys work, the original patient necrosis of the kidneys
continue to exist in the patient's body. The
new kidney transplant select the internal iliac artery anastomosis,
vascular anastomosis, until the new kidney blood supply in good
condition, then sutured patients with abdominal wall to complete the
surgery.What factors will affect kidney transplantation?Although
kidney transplant is an effective treatment of renal failure, uremia
patients, kidney transplantation is not everyone can do. Kidney transplant in the actual implementation constraints influence by many other conditions.First, the economic conditions. Under
normal circumstances, to do a kidney transplant, surgery, care,
inspection fees, bed charges fees, takes about 7 - 100 000. Thereafter, the kidney transplant every year need to use at least 2 - 30 000 more than the anti-rejection drugs to maintain.Second, the kidney source. Each
year tens of millions of renal failure patient's condition to enter
late and need a kidney transplant, but can provide the number of kidneys
are extremely limited. Numerous uremic patients only death in the days of waiting for a kidney.With type. Kidney transplants between parents and children the most affordable. But the vast majority of kidney transplant patients need to use someone else's kidney to sustain life. However,
the own circumstances and kidney matching success rate is very low, it
has also become a kidney transplant to be one of the major influencing
factors.Fourth, the survival rate after surgery. Kidney
transplant is an effective treatment in patients with advanced uremia
means, but survival after kidney transplant is directly related to the
transplant patient's living conditions. Under
normal circumstances, the year after kidney transplant survival rate is
nearly 90 percent a year for 70% -90% in the next few years, each year
about 5% -8% of patients with renal transplantation or renal graft
death.Level of medical treatment of kidney transplant surgery. Even if the above conditions are met, but the kidney transplant is not anywhere arbitrary. At
present, many regions in China and hospitals, due to the limited level
of medical conditions and medical personnel are not able to carry out
the conditions of the kidney transplant.Analysis of the pros and cons of renal transplantationBy a kidney transplant, uremic patients can significantly improve survival of the state to extend late life. This is the biggest advantage of renal transplantation for end stage renal disease patients. However, after a kidney transplant, the patient did not sit back and relax. After renal transplantation, uremic patients need to withstand a wide range of negative effects:Rejection after renal transplantation is difficult to avoid, patients need to take lifelong anti-rejection drugs. Long-term
use of these drugs, will largely reduce the patient's immune function,
causing liver and kidney toxicity, high blood sugar, osteoporosis and
other complications.Complications after renal transplantation is inevitable. After
renal transplantation, uremic patients are often prone to infections,
heart failure, abnormal liver function, endocrine and metabolic
disorders, cancer and other complications. More
serious is that part of the kidney transplant patients may also have
kidney disease relapse, resulting in kidney transplant lost its meaning.Long-term survival after renal transplantation. Kidney
transplant, short-term effect has been very satisfactory, more than 90
percent of the one-year survival rate of uremic patients. But the results are not satisfactory in the long run, after renal transplantation, 5-year survival rate is greatly reduced.
Can Stage 3 Chronic Renal Failure Be Reversed
Can Stage 3 Chronic renal failure can be reversed?
Stage 3 Chronic renal failure can be reversed under certain conditions, the reversible factors include:
Stage 3 Chronic renal failure can be reversed under certain conditions, the reversible factors include:
① The effective hypovolemia: sodium and water loss,
bleeding, etc., enable the glomerular filtration rate, aggravated renal
② infection :
The common causes of respiratory tract, urinary tract and skin
infections, including some of the occult infection;
③ urinary tract
obstruction: The most common cause of urinary tract stones, including
complete or incomplete obstruction;
④ nephrotoxic drugs: The most common
reason for the use of aminoglycoside antibiotics and contrast agents;
serious cardiovascular disease: severe hypertension, congestive heart
failure, serious arrhythmias, and cardiac tamponade;
⑥ The acute stress:
such as planing serious injury after major surgery ;
⑦ hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia or metastatic calcification;
⑧ high-protein diet.
Chronic renal failure in the early treatment delay progression of the disease and better patient prognosis is of great significance. In advanced chronic renal failure patients, diet and medication can make it to the relief of symptoms, so that dialysis was delayed. In the application of non-dialysis treatment, the need to nutritional therapy based on, and with the application of drugs to slow the progress of chronic renal failure, azotemia patients should not be treated with intestinal catharsis or oral adsorption therapy. In short, we should strengthen the comprehensive treatment of all aspects of reducing the symptoms of chronic renal failure, and improve patients' quality of life and delay disease progression.
Chronic renal failure in the early treatment delay progression of the disease and better patient prognosis is of great significance. In advanced chronic renal failure patients, diet and medication can make it to the relief of symptoms, so that dialysis was delayed. In the application of non-dialysis treatment, the need to nutritional therapy based on, and with the application of drugs to slow the progress of chronic renal failure, azotemia patients should not be treated with intestinal catharsis or oral adsorption therapy. In short, we should strengthen the comprehensive treatment of all aspects of reducing the symptoms of chronic renal failure, and improve patients' quality of life and delay disease progression.
How to slow down progression of stage 3 chronic kidney failure?
down the progression of stage 3 chronic renal failure should be a comprehensive
treatment, including the following measures: ① treatment for the cause:
there are many causes of chronic renal failure caused by chronic
nephritis, lupus nephritis, purpura nephritis, lgA nephropathy, diabetic
nephropathy, need adhere to the long-term treatment. ②
to eliminate the deterioration of renal function factors: to remove the
factors that aggravate the deterioration of renal function, such as
infection, hypertension, urinary tract obstruction and electrolyte
imbalance, especially to control high blood pressure is of great
significance in delaying the development of chronic renal failure. Angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors application of chronic kidney disease such as
diabetic nephropathy and other glomerular filtration to reduce the role,
can reduce proteinuria and to enable the serum creatinine level
increased to slow down. ③
diet therapy: low protein, low phosphorus diet, alone or plus essential
amino acids and α-keto acid, is more favorable to apply the α-keto
acid. The method may reduce glomerular filtration and tubular high metabolic role. ④
correct hyperlipidemia: It has been confirmed hyperlipidemia can
increase the inflammation of the kidneys and promote the hardening of
the kidney, the unsaturated fatty acids and lipid-lowering drugs may
slow down glomerulosclerosis. The
⑤ reduce the accumulation of uremic toxins: such as low-protein diet,
oral adsorption therapy and gastrointestinal dialysis. Application
of of ⑥ anticoagulant drugs: anti-platelet drugs and blood circulation,
the drug may reduce the renal microcirculation thrombosis, slow down
the role of glomerulosclerosis or renal interstitial fibrosis.
What is the treatment of polycystic kidney renal hypertension?
Polycystic kidney disease caused by hypertension is the oppression of the renal cysts of polycystic kidney to normal kidney tissue, renal ischemia, hypoxia, and hypoperfusion of the kidney. Polycystic kidney disease occurs in patients with hypertension phenomenon. Polycystic kidney disease in patients with renal hypertension control in a timely manner, and will continue to increase renal pathological damage, severe renal fibrosis, creatinine level, and disease progression will makes the blood pressure continues to rise, which can cause enlargement of the heart, heart failure. Some patients the disease progressed rapidly, compression of the kidney tissue, impaired renal function, chronic renal insufficiency, and ultimately lead to uremia.
Essential hypertension, polycystic kidney disease caused by renal hypertension and polycystic kidney disease caused by hypertension, the key to the treatment of hypertension should be placed on the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, to alleviate the pressure of the cysts on the kidneys to reduce the cyst on the kidney real oppression, delay or block the process of renal fibrosis, so as to treat high blood pressure from the source.
Chinese medicine has a kidney Toxin therapy, can be a good treatment of polycystic kidney disease caused by hypertension, the root causes of treatment. With the play of the efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine active substances to relieve the symptoms of oppression of the cyst on the surrounding renal units to ease the normal kidney tissue ischemia and hypoxia, and delayed the process of renal fibrosis.
Polycystic kidney patients will have low back pain?
Main symptoms of aches and pains of patients with polycystic kidney, polycystic kidney disease patients will have low back pain do? A lot of low back pain patients are more concerned about this issue, following on from the Beijing Sports Chinese Medicine Hospital kidney disease treatment centers Professor Zhang Qirui to answer your questions:
Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease, multiple cysts in the cortex and medulla of the kidney. The incidence with the incidence of familial aggregation of both men and women. Chronic pain and low back pain is the most common early symptoms of polycystic kidney disease.
Polycystic kidney pain due to cyst expansion of the enemy urinary tract infections, kidney stones, colic caused a small part can be renal cell tumors.
Pain and abdominal the Fullness discomfort, severe cases, severe pain. Pain, including abdominal pain, the rectus pain, groin and thigh pain, or to stimulate the diaphragm caused by pain, often aggravated with movement. The extent of the pain is indeed very different, its exact mechanism is unknown, may be due to cyst expansion stretch the renal capsule, squeeze the renal parenchyma or the renal hilum traction caused. The pain got worse or the nature of change may indicate kidney stones, renal hemorrhage formation of the complications of obstruction or hematoma, infection and malignancy.
In addition to reversible or self-limiting pain, as long as there is no indiscriminate use of the drug history, the chronically ill into the hidden risk is smaller. Polycystic kidney disease complicated by the pain of varying degrees of back pain, psychological factors can make 40% of patients, the pain worsened.
However, pain symptoms are mostly caused by mental factors, should be the psychological quality of patients with polycystic kidney, heart and soul of treatment and maintenance is the most critical. Looked at the contents of the above, I believe you have to understand whether the polycystic kidney disease patients have low back pain, and hope that this chapter helpful to you.
Polycystic Kidney Disease And Hematuria (bleeding)
Normally, the kidneys filter out excess toxic and waste substances and fluid from the blood. In people with polycystic kidney disease, the kidneys become enlarged with multiple cysts that interfere with normal kidney function. This can sometimes lead to kidney (renal) failure and the need for dialysis or kidney transplantation.
There are two major forms of polycystic kidney disease: autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease.
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a common disorder, occurring in approximately 1 in every 400 to 1000 people. Only about one-half of people with ADPKD will be diagnosed during the person's lifetime because the disease is often without symptoms. Autosomal dominant means that there is a 50 percent risk that an affected parent will pass the mutated gene to a child.
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD, also called childhood polycystic kidney disease) is typically diagnosed in infancy, although less severe forms may be diagnosed later in childhood or adolescence. The estimated incidence is 1 in 10,000 to 20,000 people. Autosomal recessive means that the mutated gene must be present in both parents; a person who has only one abnormal gene is a carrier. If both parents are carriers (each having one abnormal and one normal gene), then there is a 25 percent chance that a child will inherit an abnormal gene from each and develop the disease.
The following is a discussion of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, the most common cystic kidney disease
Hematuria is usually caused by bleeding into a cyst due to rupture of the cyst, which can occur as a result of a urinary tract infection or strenuous activity; bleeding can cause pain in the side of the low back (called flank pain). Patients with ADPKD can also develop kidney stones, which can cause hematuria and flank pain.
Hematuria related to bleeding cysts generally stops within two to seven days. The usual treatment includes bed rest and increasing fluids until the bleeding stops. If bleeding does not stop with bed rest and increased fluids, a procedure to stop the bleeding may be required.
Kidney stones — Kidney stones occur in up to 20 percent of people with polycystic kidney disease. Kidney stones may cause pain, or sometimes they can block the flow of urine without symptoms.
Treating kidney stones that block urine flow is difficult in patients with ADPKD. The cysts make it harder to surgically remove the stone or use shock waves to break up the stone (extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy or ESWL). (See "Patient information: Kidney stones in adults (Beyond the Basics)".)
Flank and abdominal pain — People with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) often get flank and abdominal pain that is not related to infection, bleeding into a cyst, or a kidney stone. The pain is often dull and persistent and is thought to be caused by stretching of the wall of a cyst or pressure on other organs when the kidneys and/or liver are very large. In contrast, pain that begins suddenly is more likely to be caused by bleeding into or infection of a cyst, twisting of the kidney, or a kidney stone.
No specific treatment is required in most people with dull or persistent flank and abdominal pain; pain medications such as acetaminophen are often recommended. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, are sometimes recommended, although people with polycystic kidney disease should speak to their healthcare provider about the risks and benefits of NSAIDs before using them. NSAIDs are not recommended when kidney function is reduced.
Some people have persistent pain that is severe enough to limit their daily activities. Severe pain is usually evaluated with ultrasound to see if a large cyst is present in the area of pain. If so, ultrasound can be used to guide needle drainage of the cyst. Most people have significant relief of pain after drainage. However, pain commonly recurs and surgery is sometimes required to relieve the pressure of the cysts
Causes and Risk Factors of Polycystic Kidney Disease
Causes and Risk Factors of Polycystic Kidney Disease
This disease appears to occur all over the world among all socioeconomic and ethnic groups. Men and women are affected equally, and about 500,000 Americans have PKD.
Autosomal dominant PKD is the most common inherited disease in the United States. People get the disease from a parent who has PKD. If one parent has autosomal dominant PKD, each child has a 50/50 chance of inheriting the disease. In autosomal recessive PKD, parents may have no symptoms but still carry a recessive gene for the disease. If both parents have this recessive gene, one-fourth of the children can inherit the disease.
Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease
PKD usually affects both kidneys. The symptoms include abdominal or flank pain, blood in the urine (caused by blood vessels breaking in the cysts), kidney stones, and recurring bladder or kidney infections. High blood pressure is very common, occurring in about 50 percent of all people who have the disease. However, not everyone who has one of more of these symptoms has PKD. A high proportion of PKD patients develop kidney failure, which may require dialysis treatments or a kidney transplant.
Diagnosis of Polycystic Kidney Disease
In addition to a medical history and physical exam, your physician may order blood tests and a urinalysis (urine test). Ultrasonography, which uses sound waves, is sensitive enough to detect most cases of PKD. Computed tomography (CT scan), especially when combined with dye infusion, is one of the most sensitive tests available.
A Further Step Towards Preventing Diabetes
The scientists there had demonstrated that in transgenic mice, suitably modified so as not to produce any Cx36, synchronization of the beta cells ceased and insulin production went out of control. This de-synchronization of insulin secretion is the first measurable sign in people suspected of developing type 2 diabetes. Armed with this knowledge, the research team have set about finding molecules which act directly on Cx36 with the objective of developing a novel therapeutic approach to fighting diabetes.
Paolo Meda, Professor of Cellular Physiology and Metabolism in the University of Geneva's Faculty of Medicine, has set his team a real challenge -- study the protein Cx36, present in minute quantities and almost impossible to detect using traditional techniques, and which has a half-life of around three hours.
Over one thousand drugs tested
Sabine Bavamian and Helena Pontes, researchers in Professor Meda's laboratory, set to work on developing a non-invasive system for understanding how Cx36 works. This project has been partly financed by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (USA) and the Swiss National Science Foundation and is using equipment in the Bio-Imaging department of UNIGE's Faculty of Medicine. The two scientists have been able to develop a new model using living cells which produce insulin and Cx36 in culture in order to be able rapidly to test a large number of potentially interesting molecules. With this novel approach, they have been able to analyse some 1040 molecules, enabling them to identify those that stimulate insulin production and those that inhibit it. Such discoveries should enable the roll out of new pharmacological treatment strategies for type 2 diabetes.
And what if animal venoms are not poisons after all?
Although there is now a large number of drugs that are prescribed for diabetics the world over to help alleviate insulin secretion de-synchronization, the majority of them have unfortunate side effects. And thus Professor Meda has decided to use the innovative technique developed by his team to test the effect on Cx36 of very different molecules, produced from animal venom. Such molecules should not give rise to the same type of problem posed by the traditional drugs used currently. The screening, or selection, of the venom should enable carrying out the necessary validation tests, initially in vitro, and then in vivo. "We have some 3 to 5 years work ahead of us, but we have very serious hopes of discovering molecules which act exclusively on Cx36, unlike all the currently identified molecules, with a view to limiting side-effects," explains Professor Meda. In the fight against diabetes, scientists are exploring numerous avenues, some of which are rather surprising.
Intravenous Kidney Cell Transplant Experiments Raise Hope for Future Human Kidney Failure Treatments
The researchers, Katherine J. Kelly, M.D., associate professor of medicine, and Jesus Dominguez, M.D., professor of medicine, genetically modified the cells in the laboratory to produce a protein -- called SAA -- that plays an important role in renal cell growth, embryonic kidney development and kidney regeneration after an injury. Modified cells found their way to the appropriate locations of the damaged kidneys, resulting in regeneration of tissue and improved function in the kidney.
The researchers' work has been accepted for publication in theAmerican Journal of Physiology -- Renal Physiology, which published an advance online version of the paper on May 16.
The authors point out there is a significant and expanding need for better kidney treatments because growing numbers of people are facing progressive kidney failure due to rising incidence of diabetes, hypertension and the aging of the population.
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health, more than 20 million Americans have chronic kidney disease, and more than half a million people are being treated for end stage renal disease. For those patients the options are limited to dialysis or kidney transplants. Nearly 99,000 people are now on the waiting list for a kidney transplant, according to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, and more than 12 people die each day while on a kidney transplant waiting list.
"Obviously there is a need for, and an opportunity for, regenerative medicine in kidney failure as well as other organs," said Dr. Dominguez. There have been efforts to use stem cells to regenerate kidney tissue, but the benefits have not been long lasting, he noted.
In the IU researchers' experiments, however, some of the reprogrammed adult kidney donor cells made their way back to the damaged rat kidneys and engrafted themselves into key locations for renal function, resulting in improved kidney function and limiting physical damage. In some cases the modified cells came from other donor rats. In other experiments, one of the rats damaged kidneys was removed and the treated cells were grown in the laboratory and then returned to the same rat.
"Ultimately, you can imagine taking a part of someone's kidney, expanding those cells with appropriate growth factors in a tissue culture dish, and then giving the cells back," said Dr. Kelly.
The researchers cautioned, however, that much work remains to be done before tests could begin in humans.
What is Lupus Nephritis?
Lupus is an autoimmune disease where the body's immune system becomes
hyperactive and attacks normal, healthy tissue. This results in symptoms such as
inflammation, swelling, and damage to joints, skin, kidneys, blood, the heart,
and lungs.
Under normal function, the immune system makes proteins called antibodies in order to protect and fight against antigens such as viruses and bacteria. Lupus makes the immune system unable to differentiate between antigens and healthy tissue. This leads the immune system to direct antibodies against the healthy tissue - not just antigens - causing swelling, pain, and tissue damage.
Several different kinds of lupus have been identified, but the type that we refer to simply as lupus is known as systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE. Other types include discoid (cutaneous), drug-induced, and neonatal.
Patients with discoid lupus have a version of the disease that is limited to the skin. It is characterized by a rash that appears on the face, neck, and scalp, and it does not affect internal organs. Less than 10% of patients with discoid lupus progress into the systemic form of the disease, but there is no way to predict or prevent the path of the disease.
SLE is more severe than discoid lupus because it can affect any of the body's
organs or organ systems. Some people may present inflammation or other problems
with only skin and joints, while other SLE sufferers will see joints, lungs,
kidneys, blood, and/or the heart affected. This type of lupus is also often
characterized by periods of flare (when the disease is active) and periods of
remission (when the disease is dormant).
photo © St Thomas' Lupus TrustDrug-induced lupus is caused by a reaction with certain prescription drugs and causes symptoms very similar to SLE. The drugs most commonly associated with this form of lupus are a hypertension medication called hydralazine and a heart arrhythmia medication called procainamide, but there are some 400 other drugs that can also cause the condition. Drug-induced lupus is known to subside after the patient stops taking the triggering medication.
A rare condition, neonatal lupus occurs when a mother passes autoantibodies to a fetus. The unborn and newborn child can have skin rashes and other complications with the heart and blood. Usually a rash appears but eventually fades within the first six months of the child's life.
Under normal function, the immune system makes proteins called antibodies in order to protect and fight against antigens such as viruses and bacteria. Lupus makes the immune system unable to differentiate between antigens and healthy tissue. This leads the immune system to direct antibodies against the healthy tissue - not just antigens - causing swelling, pain, and tissue damage.
Several different kinds of lupus have been identified, but the type that we refer to simply as lupus is known as systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE. Other types include discoid (cutaneous), drug-induced, and neonatal.
Patients with discoid lupus have a version of the disease that is limited to the skin. It is characterized by a rash that appears on the face, neck, and scalp, and it does not affect internal organs. Less than 10% of patients with discoid lupus progress into the systemic form of the disease, but there is no way to predict or prevent the path of the disease.
photo © St Thomas' Lupus TrustDrug-induced lupus is caused by a reaction with certain prescription drugs and causes symptoms very similar to SLE. The drugs most commonly associated with this form of lupus are a hypertension medication called hydralazine and a heart arrhythmia medication called procainamide, but there are some 400 other drugs that can also cause the condition. Drug-induced lupus is known to subside after the patient stops taking the triggering medication.
A rare condition, neonatal lupus occurs when a mother passes autoantibodies to a fetus. The unborn and newborn child can have skin rashes and other complications with the heart and blood. Usually a rash appears but eventually fades within the first six months of the child's life.
What causes lupus kidney disease?
Although doctors are do not know exactly what causes lupus and other autoimmune diseases, most believe that lupus results from both genetic and environmental stimuli.
Since lupus is known to occur within families, doctors believe that it is possible to inherit a genetic predisposition to lupus. There are no known genes, however, that directly cause the illness. It is probable that having an inherited predisposition for lupus makes the disease more likely only after coming into contact with some environmental trigger.
Certain environmental factors have been known to cause lupus symptoms. These include:
Extreme stress
Exposure to ultraviolet light, usually from sunlight
Some medications and antibiotics, especially those in the sulfa and penicillin groups
Some infections, such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), parvovirus (such as fifth disease), hepatitis C infections, and the Epstein-Barr virus (in children)
Chemical exposure to compounds such as trichloroethylene in well water and dust
How Does Lupus Affect Pregnancy?
More than 90 percent of people with lupus are women, and most are diagnosed during their childbearing years. Naturally, the questions of whether a woman with lupus can sustain a healthy pregnancy and have a healthy baby often come into play. While complications can arise, the good news is that with the right medical care, you can decrease your risks and deliver a normal, healthy baby.
How Does Lupus Affect Pregnancy?
Women with lupus have a greater risk for miscarriage, premature birth, and other complications compared with most women. Here’s an overview of some of the problems that may occur.
Approximately 20 percent of women with lupus develop this condition, which occurs when you experience a sudden increase in blood pressure, protein in your urine, or both when you’re pregnant. It needs to be treated immediately and may mean that your baby needs to be delivered right away.
Antiphospholipid antibodies
About 33 percent of women with lupus have these proteins, which can cause blood clots in the placenta and can impact your baby’s growth. With the use of medications, such as a small dose of baby aspirin, your doctor can reduce the risk that you will miscarry even if you have these dangerous antibodies.
Neonatal lupus syndrome
Although very rare, some women with lupus have an antibody, called anti-Ro, which puts them at risk for delivering a baby with neonatal lupus syndrome. Neonatal lupus is not lupus. Babies born with this syndrome have a skin rash or low blood cell counts, but these symptoms go away over time. Some infants with neonatal lupus are born with a serious heartbeat abnormality. It’s treatable, but permanent. Some babies with the heart problem will grow normally, while others may need a pacemaker.
What is the normal range for blood sugar levels, and what blood sugar level constitutes a true emergency?
Answer:Now, in a normal individual we measure blood sugar under different circumstances. What we call fasting blood sugar or blood glucose levels is usually done six to eight hours after the last meal. So it's most commonly done before breakfast in the morning; and the normal range there is 70 to 100 milligrams per deciliter.
Now when you eat a meal, blood sugar generally rises and in a normal individual it usually does not get above a 135 to 140 milligrams per deciliter. So there is a fairly narrow range of blood sugar throughout the entire day.
Now in our diabetic patients we see both low blood sugar levels that we call hypoglycemia, or elevated blood sugars, hyperglycemia. Now, if the blood sugar drops below about 60 or 65 milligrams per deciliter, people will generally get symptoms, which are some shakiness, feeling of hunger, maybe a little racing of the heart and they will usually be trenchant or if they eat something, it goes away right away. But if blood sugar drops below 50 and can get down as low as 40 or 30 or even 20, then there is a progressive loss of mental function and eventually unconsciousness and seizures. And of course that is very dangerous and a medical emergency.
On the other side, if blood sugar gets up above 180 to 200, then it exceeds the capacity of the kidneys to reabsorb the glucose and we begin to spill glucose into the urine. And if it gets way up high, up in the 400s or even 500s, it can be associated with some alteration in mental function. And in this situation, if it persists for a long time, we can actually see mental changes as well. So either too low or very exceedingly high can cause changes in mental function.
How Long Can Patients with IgA Nephropathy Live
Clinical practice treatment is usually the use of hemostatic agents such as anti-inflammatory and hematuria capsule to indirectly hematuria stopped, but neglect the point that this is not the same as the bleeding, stop bleeding drug spend will be able to stop, the key is normal physiological functions of the real root cause --- mesangial cells damaged, so even if the drug is used a lot of the urine practices or anti-repeat complex, thus indicating the important reasons for such misunderstanding is "sick" and "disease" The relationship did not thoroughly understand.
Iga nephritis much longer the most important reason for patients with mucosal immune function defects, decreased immunity with a certain moment, after the infection in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract or gastrointestinal tract, resulting in the body of bacteria or viruses invade, so that the body abnormal constructed iga with antigen the iga antigen-antibody complex with the antibody combination constitute these iga immune complexes accumulate in the glomerular capillary mesangial cells, resulting in impaired physiological functions of mesangial cells, so we called iga mesangial cell hyperplasia.
iga nephritis appears, Department of Renal cell damage caused. Iga nephritis treatment should also start from the repair of renal intrinsic cells. Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital use in the characteristics of pure Chinese medicine therapy, micro penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy and repair of renal intrinsic cells, so that a large number of kidney disease, uremic patients arrive rehabilitation.
Had iga nephritis live either? Micro of traditional Chinese medicine to cure iga nephritis? Micro-based medicine is how to do the repair of renal intrinsic cells?
Micro-based medicine to penetrate therapy therapy vasodilators, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, degradation of the four major role in repair of renal intrinsic cells, blocking iga kidney disease, and its four major functions as follows:
Easy to structural abnormalities of poly iga1 or iga1 immune complexes in mesangial accumulation, affecting the normal physiological functions of mesangial, one of the most prominent in the region microcirculation hinder, that is, ischemia and hypoxia, and further reduce the Department of fibrosis membrane damage, and trigger a role in glomerular inflammation, induced renal toxicity of inflammatory mediators release, so inherent in all glomerular cells were damaged, which causes fibrosis of the pathological changes. Therefore, hypoxia-ischemia in patients with renal fibrosis in the source elements, is also a kidney cell damage inherent source. Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine to penetrate therapy iga nephritis First seize the source elements to carry forward the role of ischemia and hypoxia.
Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances into the patient's body, will be located in the injured kidney lesions, carry forward the role of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine treatment of:
(1) expansion iga nephritis in patients with renal artery at all levels to improve the hinder part of the microcirculation, an increase of the perfusion of the kidney useful to improve the impaired renal hypoxia form part of the increase innovation, and accelerate the natural cellular repair of damaged kidneys; ease iga nephritis patients due to fibrosis pathological damage caused by high blood pressure patterns.
(2) with micro-active substances of traditional Chinese medicine but also expansion of the iga nephritis in patients with systemic peripheral vascular improve the general micro-circulation hinder and promote blood circulation to dredge, to improve the body due to kidney disease caused by lack of oxygen form.
(3) micro-TCM active substances but also to improve hinder digestion and standard micro-circulation, relieve gastrointestinal mucosal edema caused by renal fibrosis, and promote the growth of digestive secretions, increase appetite. To improve the physique of the iga nephritis patients, create requirements for the further recovery of the disease. Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine, the vasodilator to be seen recently in the treatment of iga nephritis will
IgA nephritis can live for how long? Micro-based medicine through anti-inflammatory effects cure iga nephritis
Structural abnormalities of poly iga1 or iga1 immune complexes in the glomerular accumulation of formation damage on glomerular intrinsic cells, which would attract the infiltration of inflammatory cells in the blood circulation, and the release of inflammatory induced renal toxicity media to further reduce fibrosis, kidney injury, inflammation of the disappearance of the serious significance of blocking renal fibrosis and restoration of the intrinsic cells of the kidney pause.
Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances can inhibit the inflammatory mediators induced renal toxicity factor production and activity to the renal toxic inactivation, increase the sustained damage of these substances damage the intrinsic cells of the kidney, which inhibit the inflammatory role of point of view blocking of the process of renal fibrosis.
IgA nephritis can live for how long? Micro-based medicine treatment cure after anticoagulant effect
iga nephritis due to structural abnormalities of poly iga1 or iga1 immune complexes in the glomerular accumulation of formation damage on glomerular intrinsic cells, will attract circulating in the blood platelet aggregation in the parts of injured, which constitutes the micro-thrombosis, reduce ischemia and hypoxia form the site of injury, resulting in severe renal inherent cell damage. Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances through the inhibition of platelet efficacy of activation, inhibition of platelet adhesion and aggregation, block to stop the platelets release a variety of prothrombotic substances to block the start of the process of coagulation of the blood to reach in order to avoid the purpose of thrombosis, renal inherent cell repair create requirements. Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances can also improve blood viscosity form, so that we can improve renal blood flow, an increase of useful perfusion impede the microcirculation, prompted Toshimichi impaired renal blood flow, ease some of hypoxia form, so the micro of traditional Chinese medicine, anti- condensate role and vasodilator can play a corrective role in hypoxic ischemic renal fibrosis source.
IgA nephritis can live for how long? Micro-based medicine through degradation cure iga nephritis
Balanced, micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances through the conditioning of the extracellular matrix formation and degradation of the implementation of the kidney abnormal accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation, discharge, blocking the intrinsic cells of the kidney nephron continued occupation; promote myofibroblast apoptosis, the degradation of discharge; can promote immune complexes accumulate in the kidney, metabolites, degradation of necrotic tissue discharge. At this point, IgA nephritis, the urine will deepen the color, the atmosphere thickens, increased sediment in urine and other changes, the degradation of these are micro-based Chinese medicine onset
What are symptoms of early iga nephritis
Early iga nephritis is heavy repeated for gross or microscopic hematuria, and glomerular mesangial cell proliferation, matrix increase, with universal iga accumulation characteristics of primary glomerular diseases. Early disease is not very clearly, free of any discomfort, even if some discomfort, is not easy to arouse attention; that often found in late, as well as in advanced renal failure and uremia.
What are the symptoms of early iga nephritis?
■ urine foam, lasting not fade away. Clarify more protein excretion in the urine.
■ urine discoloration. The urine was tea color, wash the meat water, soy sauce color or turbidity, such as Taomi immediate treatment.
■ too much or too little urine. Uniform normal urine output is about 1500 ml per day, 4-8 times a day. If there is no fever, large amounts of sweat, large amounts of water, urine volume presents sharply or suddenly increase, it is necessary to the hospital to check to see is not a kidney disease.
■ nocturia. Normal in less than 60 years old, ordinary regular nocturia, if the young nocturnal increase is likely to be adverse early manifestation of kidney function.
■ edema. Eyelid or facial edema in the morning, afternoon recession, tired after the increase, rest after mitigation. Severe edema are presented in pairs of the medial ankle, lower limbs, lumbosacral.
■ low back pain. Understand the cause of low back pain, should check the kidney, spine, waist and back muscles.
■ male performance of the function of disorder (nocturnal emission, spermatorrhea, infertility).
What are the symptoms of children iga nephropathy
Iga nephropathy is mesangial proliferation and mesangial area was significantly iga deposition is characterized by a diffuse group of glomerular diseases more common in older children and youth, male to female ratio of 2:1. iga nephropathy onset before the children more often the incentive for upper respiratory tract infection induced by diarrhea, urinary tract infection cases.
Clinically, children iga nephropathy symptoms of diversification, the most common with hematuria.
Only microscopic hematuria to nephrotic syndrome, may be the onset of the performance, between the clinical phenotype in the course of mutual transformation, but in the course of the disease in its clinical manifestations may change each other.
In general, 80% of children iga nephropathy symptoms of gross hematuria as the starter, North America and Europe, the high incidence in Asia, often, and upper respiratory tract infection related (Berger disease), and upper respiratory tract infection a very short time intervals (24 ~~ 72h) even a few hours after hematuria, and more swollen tonsils, but after the tonsillectomy, most children with gross hematuria to stop seizures. [So, I would like to ask the experts, click on Free Consultation]
Also, some children manifested as hematuria and proteinuria, hematuria, either for episodes gross hematuria, microscopic hematuria, proteinuria, mostly mild to moderate, iga nephropathy with nephrotic syndrome manifested about accounted for 15% to 30% of the "three high and one low" performance is often very little merger before the onset of respiratory tract infections, some cases showed nephritis syndrome.
In addition to the above hematuria symptoms, children iga nephropathy symptoms of hypertension, renal insufficiency. Hypertension occurs in older adults accounted for 20% of children accounted for only 5%. Hypertension is an important indicator of kidney disease progression in iga, most accompanied by renal function deteriorated rapidly, and less than 5% of the iga nephropathy patients showed rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
Older children with recurrent episodes of gross hematuria, and many upper respiratory or intestinal infection, the incentive should be considered with iga nephropathy. The performance of a simple microscopic hematuria or gross hematuria or with a moderate degree of proteinuria, iga nephropathy should be suspected.
Therefore, nephropathy public treatment network special expert Zhang suggestions:
To fight the face of children's iga nephropathy, a kidney biopsy as soon as possible. Nephrotic syndrome, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis syndrome, with hypertension and renal insufficiency performance, should be considered with iga nephropathy, but the diagnosis depends on renal biopsy. Also note that except for the other disorders can cause mesangial iga deposition.
Why High Creatinine not smoking
Many smokers know that smoking is harmful to
health, but has been able to quit, then for creatinine energy-smoking? Is not
the smoking habits of patients must reluctantly part "?
According to the understanding of creatinine in patients with high alcohol and tobacco are limited, because tobacco and alcohol poisoning on the kidneys, blood vessels, poison, smoking, alcohol consumption, the greater the more the renal vascular injury earlier aggravation of renal arteriosclerosis promote glomerular sclerosis, kidney disease hospital kidney specialists, director of Yang-screen, whether it is with normal renal function or renal dysfunction, creatinine patients must strictly tobacco and alcohol, to avoid kidney greater damage.
As a result, can smoking for high serum creatinine in patients with this problem apparently has been very clear, serum creatinine in patients with high limit except on tobacco and alcohol addition, serum creatinine, high in dietary restrictions of:
① vitamin intake should be moderate: renal failure patients with creatinine high food rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C should be selected. Patients with renal insufficiency only renal failure, creatinine, oliguria, edema patients can not help but salt and water to maintain a low-salt diet. If there is severe edema, and high blood pressure and even heart failure should be strictly limited ban salt.
② To limit salt: In general, renal insufficiency, decompensated patients with azotemia, although high serum creatinine, and a variety of minor clinical symptoms, but a consequence of pathological moderate injury, visual or without hypertension and edema, control of salt intake, and were given a low-salt or salt-free diet.
③ protein supply to be reasonable: in order to prevent high creatinine in patients with renal function continued to deteriorate, should be controlled protein intake, selection of high-quality protein diet rich in high-quality.
According to the understanding of creatinine in patients with high alcohol and tobacco are limited, because tobacco and alcohol poisoning on the kidneys, blood vessels, poison, smoking, alcohol consumption, the greater the more the renal vascular injury earlier aggravation of renal arteriosclerosis promote glomerular sclerosis, kidney disease hospital kidney specialists, director of Yang-screen, whether it is with normal renal function or renal dysfunction, creatinine patients must strictly tobacco and alcohol, to avoid kidney greater damage.
As a result, can smoking for high serum creatinine in patients with this problem apparently has been very clear, serum creatinine in patients with high limit except on tobacco and alcohol addition, serum creatinine, high in dietary restrictions of:
① vitamin intake should be moderate: renal failure patients with creatinine high food rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C should be selected. Patients with renal insufficiency only renal failure, creatinine, oliguria, edema patients can not help but salt and water to maintain a low-salt diet. If there is severe edema, and high blood pressure and even heart failure should be strictly limited ban salt.
② To limit salt: In general, renal insufficiency, decompensated patients with azotemia, although high serum creatinine, and a variety of minor clinical symptoms, but a consequence of pathological moderate injury, visual or without hypertension and edema, control of salt intake, and were given a low-salt or salt-free diet.
③ protein supply to be reasonable: in order to prevent high creatinine in patients with renal function continued to deteriorate, should be controlled protein intake, selection of high-quality protein diet rich in high-quality.
People with diabetes can eat bananas?
Condition analysis:
The control of blood glucose is the purpose of treatment of patients with diabetes. All foods rich in sugar for diabetic patients need to be restrained., People with diabetes can eat bananas you?
Opinions and suggestions:
But to eat banana sugar content is high, pay attention to controlling the amount of control of blood sugar, to eat
1.The nutritional value of a banana
Bananas contain starch, protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, carotenoids, vitamins A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, dietary fiber. Heat, relax, and detoxification. For toothache, constipation, fever, polydipsia, dry throat, sore throat, Hyperactivity cough, all kinds of pain, sore throat, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, coronary embolism secondary nursed back to health. The rind decoction hangover.
2. the use of banana
Banana fruit in addition to for fresh fruit consumption, can also be used for processing, such as ripe bananas can be made of banana powder, used for making pastry and bread; fruit brew banana wine or extract alcohol after fermentation; canning of ripe fruit can be processed, preserved fruit, dried banana, juice, flavor, and so on. false banana stems, suckers, buds contain large quantities of nutrients, is a good green fodder can be used to feed the pigs. false stem and leaves are rich in cellulose, can be made rope, braid, and paper; false fruit juice can distill a food preservative and dye fixative, false stem ash alkali content is high, can be used for caustic soda water. false stems, leaves, high potassium content, chopped back after Tian increase soil organic matter and loose soil, but also increase the potassium of the soil.
3, the banana eating Taboo:
1) constipation appropriate morning fasting bananas constipation a therapeutic effect.
2) hyperacidity should not be eating, stomach pain, indigestion, diarrhea should not eat.
Can diabete patients eat honey with sugar
Honey is a natural food, the taste is sweet, contained monosaccharides, does not require the digestion and can be absorbed by the body, woman, young, especially the elderly with good health role, which is called "milk for the elderly". So, for people with diabetes, people with diabetes can drink honey do?
Some foreign scholars believe that the honey can be used for the treatment of diabetes, an insulin-like substances reportedly found in the honey. They believe that the composite containing large amounts of vitamin bl, vitamin c, niacin, vitamin honey, is likely to be a good food for diabetic patients. There are also scholars believe that patients with diabetes to eat honey is not only harmless, but the role of adjuvant therapy. Such argument is based on the performance of the Chinese awareness of diabetes and honey based. Medicine believes that polydipsia polydipsia of diabetes, dry mouth, good food and more hunger, dry stools and other symptoms, is Dryness Tianjin injury, stomach fire flaming, Yin Ye, insufficient, honey nourishing yin, to make up the function of the lungs, so in some traditional Chinese medicine decoction into 10 to 20 grams of honey to adjuvant therapy. But considering the high sugar content, so the use of Chinese medicine also relies on a cautious attitude to honey. In summary, patients with diabetes in the case of the unstable condition, or need to eat honey, preferably under the guidance of the Chinese or Western.
How much is damage to kidneys with creatinine 2.5
How much is kidney damage with serum creatinine 2.5?
Creatinine helps to tell the damage of kidneys, but not exact enough. Why do we say so?
Creatinine is a metabolic product of human muscles. In human beings, as their muscle total stays relative stable, the creatinine produced each day is also stable. Creatinine enters to the kidneys together with bloodstream to be filtrated out.In this way, serum creatinine stays at normal range----0.6-1.2mg/dl or adult females and 0.7-1.3mg/dl in males.
Some may think the kidney functions are normal when cretinine level has not risen. However, that is a complete wrong concept.Our kidneys have powerful compensatory functions. Before creatinine rise, renal deteiroration has been ongoing. When creatinine rises, kidney function has dropped for at least 50 percent.
If you have creatinine 2.5, that means kidney damage is very severe, you will need to treat the damaged kidneys. Only if we can restore the injured kidneys, the creatinine and BUN will naturally lower gradually.
How to repair kidneys to reduce elevated creatinine?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy will achieve the targets.
Micro-penetration therapy of Chinese medicine main function is to clear the immune complexes lead to damage of the glomerular basement membrane and diseased tissue, repair of the glomerular basement membrane. As long as the damage to the basement membrane repair, change the structure of the kidney, the expansion of the glomerular filtration area, serum creatinine will gradually decline, but this requires a process to prevent a cold, diet and emotional, not tired control blood pressure, blood sugar, and other factors, to protect the kidney function. Noted that of these, serum creatinine will be down. The patients avoid entering dialysis and kidney deterioration.
Dehydration Can Lead to Kidney Disease
Dehydration Can Lead to Kidney Disease
As the temperature heats up, Oklahomans are being urged to stay hydrated, or suffer some serious consequences. One of the effects of heat stroke and severe dehydration is kidney disease. It affects 26-million people across the country, and nearly four-thousand people right here in Oklahoma. Doctors say diabetes and high blood pressure are the leading causes of kidney disease. Doctors say symptoms include anemia, high blood pressure, puffiness, itching and muscle cramps. Fox 25's Kisha Henry shows us an Oklahoman who is suffering with Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease. He is currently waiting on a transplant and tells us what his life is like, working around this terrible disease.
Dialysis For Kidney Disease – Polycystic Kidney Disease
Autosomal Dominant PKD (ADPKD) is one of the most common, life-threatening
genetic diseases, affecting approximately 1 in 500 worldwide. Symptoms usually
develop between the ages of 30 and 40, but they can begin earlier. Parents
affected by ADPKD have a 50 percent chance of passing it on to each of their
children. About 10 percent of cases are due to new mutations in the genes that
cause PKD.
Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease
High blood pressure (Hypertension) – Normal BP is 120/80;
Constant or intermittent pain in the back and the side of the stomach;
Frequent urinary tract infections;
Blood in the urine (hematuria);
Kidney stones; and
Heart problems and/or stroke.
Dialysis for Polycystic Kidney Disease
Dialysis is a procedure that removes extra fluid, electrolytes and wastes
when your kidneys are no longer able to do so effectively. There are two
types of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. In hemodialysis, blood
is circulated into an external filter, where wastes and toxins are removed
before re-entering the body; in peritoneal dialysis, a fluid is introduced into
the abdomen, where it absorbs wastes and is then removed.
Symptom & Treatment Parapelvic Kidney Cysts
Parapelvic cysts of the kidneys are simple renal cysts, which are adjacent to
the renal pelvis or the renal sinus.
The simple renal cyst is a benign non-neoplastic mass of unknown etiology arising in renal parenchyma (cortical cyst) or within the sinus region (parapelvic cyst).
Symptom of Parapelvic Kidney Cysts
Flank pain :Flank pain often means kidney trouble. If flank pain is accompanied by fever, chills, blood in the urine, or frequent or urgent urination, then a kidney problem is the likely cause.
Blood in urine. In case of smooth muscle spasm, there will be microscopic or gross hematuria. In case of cyst rupture and if the cyst is connected with the renal pelvis, there will be gross hematuria or even blood clots.
Hydronephrosis (kidney swelling) is a condition that occurs with a disease. It is not a disease itself. Conditions that are often associated with unilateral hydronephrosis include:Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones),Hydronephrosis that occurs without a known cause during pregnancy
Treatment for Parapelvic Kidney Cysts
Micro-Chinese Medicine is abstracted from the Chinese herbs, without any side-effect for kidney cyst .
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not an operation, without any pain. Chinese Medicine is superfinely shattered like powder, they are putted into small bags and heated for 45 minutes, and then we put these small bags on the two sides of kidneys according to the Acupuncture Points. What’s more, this process can be achieved with the help of osmosis device, so Chinese Medicine can get into renal lesion effectively.
The simple renal cyst is a benign non-neoplastic mass of unknown etiology arising in renal parenchyma (cortical cyst) or within the sinus region (parapelvic cyst).
Symptom of Parapelvic Kidney Cysts
Flank pain :Flank pain often means kidney trouble. If flank pain is accompanied by fever, chills, blood in the urine, or frequent or urgent urination, then a kidney problem is the likely cause.
Blood in urine. In case of smooth muscle spasm, there will be microscopic or gross hematuria. In case of cyst rupture and if the cyst is connected with the renal pelvis, there will be gross hematuria or even blood clots.
Hydronephrosis (kidney swelling) is a condition that occurs with a disease. It is not a disease itself. Conditions that are often associated with unilateral hydronephrosis include:Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones),Hydronephrosis that occurs without a known cause during pregnancy
Treatment for Parapelvic Kidney Cysts
Micro-Chinese Medicine is abstracted from the Chinese herbs, without any side-effect for kidney cyst .
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not an operation, without any pain. Chinese Medicine is superfinely shattered like powder, they are putted into small bags and heated for 45 minutes, and then we put these small bags on the two sides of kidneys according to the Acupuncture Points. What’s more, this process can be achieved with the help of osmosis device, so Chinese Medicine can get into renal lesion effectively.
Typical symptoms to Detect Diabetes Earlier
2 diabetes is a common disease, more patients, the occurrence of
disease in patients with reduced quality of life, the life shortening,
so early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment, so we have to
understand how to decide the type II diabetes symptoms, so after the emergence of the disease in time to find, how to determine the symptoms of Type II diabetes?How to determine the symptoms of Type II diabetes? In clinical practice, type 2 diabetes symptoms normally have the following typical symptoms.1,
polyuria, polydipsia, and more drinking diabetesGuangxi diabetes clinical research
center to introduce the gastric bypass surgery is currently the international latest diabetes treatment
method, it is a breakthrough of the past treatment of diabetes is
difficult to cure. difficulties
requiring lifelong medication, diabetes treatment has become more
thorough, more secure, less injury, the treatment of diabetic patients
trusted.Tubular back to absorb water to reduce diabetes, urinary osmolality and increased urine output. The
patient to urinate frequently, more than those two dozen a day and
night, the night several times to get up and affect sleep. Not every time the urine and frequent urination, urinary total on 1 often 2 to 3L above, even up to more than ten liters. Dehydration
due to polyuria, sick, suffering polydipsia, increased water volume and
frequency and is proportional to the amount of blood glucose levels and
urine output and loss of sugar; when insulin deficiency and
ketoacidosis, sodium and potassium ions back to absorb even more
difficult polyuria
increase; often makes the plasma concentration, influencing osmotic
pressure, can lead to hyperosmolar coma and other serious consequences.Bulimia and more foodThe
loss of sugar, sugar failed to take full advantage of stimulating
insulin secretion accompanied by high blood sugar, loss of appetite is
often hyperactivity, tend to have a hunger, sometimes up to 1-2 kg of
staple food, dishes more than double than normal, can not meet. But
sometimes the patients appetite is suddenly reduced, should pay
attention to whether the infection, fever, acidosis, or have been
induced ketosis complications. How
to determine the symptoms of Type II diabetes? Polyuria, polydipsia and
polyphagia often clinically referred to as "Triple multi-disease.3, fatigue, weight loss, weaknessEnergy
utilization due to metabolic disorders, to reduce the negative nitrogen
balance, dehydration and electrolyte, ketosis is more serious in
patients with a sense of fatigue and weakness. Especially
in childhood (Ⅰ) and severe (Ⅱ) in patients with weight loss, weight
loss up to a few pounds, labor is often weakened. Chronic
illness children inhibition of growth and development, short stature,
his face sallow, hair gloss, physical and more weak. Middle-aged patients with type II mild often of diet and obesity. Diabetes Guangxi diabetes clinical
research center to introduce the stomach turn streaming surgery a is currently the international latest diabetes
treatment method, it is a breakthrough of the past treatment of diabetes
is difficult to cure, need life-long difficulties medication, so that
the treatment of diabetes changed more thorough, more secure, less injury, is the treatment of diabetic patients trusted.4, itchy skinMore common in the female genitals, due to the urine to stimulate the local. And sometimes white candidiasis and other fungal vaginitis, itching is more severe, often with vaginal secretion. The skin dry after the water loss may also occur the body itching, but is less common.5, numbnessDiabetes
can cause peripheral neuritis, numbness, pain and burning sensation
appears, and some people will have the feeling of walking step, such as
cotton. The incidence of diabetes with advanced peripheral neuritis.6, urinary tract infectionsThis
is also how to judge one of the symptoms of Type II diabetes, urinary
tract infections caused by diabetes mellitus have two characteristics:
1, bacteriuria originating in the kidney, and general urinary tract
infections originated in the lower urinary tract. 2,
given the appropriate anti-infective therapy, acute pyelonephritis,
fever of still higher than the general urinary tract infection prolonged
febrile period.7, biliary tract infections Diabetic
patients with high incidence of hair cholecystitis, and from time
accompanied by cholelithiasis, gallbladder sometimes occur gangrene and
summary, the details on how to determine the symptoms of Type II
diabetes, the life of the above symptoms, to a regular medical facility
for treatment, in order to avoid aggravation of the disease itself bring
more pain.
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