
Protect Well Your Sexual Function from Kidney Disease During the Festival of Father's Day

During the festival of Father's Day, men should pay attention to their own sexual abilities especially for those with kidney diseases. Sexual dysfunction is a common finding in men with chronic kidney failure. Common features in men with renal disease include erectile dysfunction and decreased libido and fertility sex abilities.

These abnormalities are primarily organic in nature and are related to uremia as well as the other conditions that frequently occuring in the chronic kidney failure patient. Fatigue and psychosocial factors are also contributory factors.
Sexual dysfunction is complex with a mix of physiological and psychosocial factors involved. Problems relating to sexual function have been reported at rates as high as 70% amongst people with end stage renal failure (ESRF).Among men, 50% report erectile dysfunction while both men report a loss of libido and a decline in the frequency of intercourse.
Physiology of Sexual Function
In both men and women, fertility and sexual function are governed by complex hormonal systems--and a key element of this is the production and regulation of luteinizing hormone (LH) and folliclestimulating hormone (FSH). A key side effect of renal failure is its effect on the regulation of these hormone levels and how this disturbs background 'normal' levels of testosterone in men and the menstrual cycle in women.
In addition to interference with this cycle, chronic renal failure in men may result in damage to the testes, problems with impaired erectile function, and complications due to medication..
So, as a men, you should be especially pay attention to your sexual functions especially when you are suffering any kidney diseases, thus you can enjoy a happy Father's Day with your family.

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