
Ganoderma in Lowering Blood Fat

Ganoderma in Lowering Blood Fat
Ganoderma in Lowering Blood Fat
High blood fat is one of the most dangerous factors among patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), which may cause many severe complications like cardiovascular disease. It is common for those patients to have some medicines to lower fat in blood, but it is inevitable that most of those medicines will damage liver. Ganoderma is an important herbal medicine in china, which boasts for the function of lowering blood fat without harming liver.

Generally speaking, Ganoderma can remove the poisonous substances and clean blood to lower the viscosity of the blood. There are six functions of Ganoderma in lowering or reducing fat in blood.
1. Ganoderma can reduce cholesterol, triglyceride, β-lipoprotein and LDL (low density lipoprotein) and increase HDL (high density lipoprotein). It is reported that HDL carries excessive fat from blood to liver where those fat is transformed into cholate and drain out though biliary tract. HDL is good at lowering fat in blood and preventing arteriosclerosis.
2. Improving the disorder of hemorheology, Ganoderma dredges blood vessels and promotes blood circulation, lowering the viscosity or coagulability of blood.
3. Combined with other conventional medicines will enhance the therapeutic effects of lowing blood fat.
4. As a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, the function of Ganoderma involves in the severity of high blood fat and the length of time in which Ganoderma is had. If the fat is very high in blood, Ganoderma may can not lower it immediately and remove the possibility of sudden death of the patients. Ganoderma needs a long time to regulate blood fat in daily life, so it has a good therapeutic effect in large doses among patients whose fat is slightly or moderately high in their blood.
If you want know more about us.please click here.Ganoderma in Lowering Blood Fat

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